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Community > Birth Month
January 2024 Babies
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Where is everyone getting clothes for their boys?? This boy is not even 10 weeks and has mostly outgrown his 0-3 bodysuits and hates onesies since everything makes him feel hot. Anyone else got baby boy with long torso and can help me figure out where do I get clothes for him that he won’t outgrow in 2 weeks. I have tried Carters, Target, Amazon and what not.
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I know you said he hates onesies from being hot but have you tried bamboo sleepers??? That’s all my middle and new babe wear. Little sleepies specifically. They last so long size wise because bamboo stretches. A little pricey but worth it. I also love childhoods clothing again a little pricey. Kyte baby is another bamboo brand we wear as well but the fit doesn’t seem to be as long as little sleepies.
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My baby girl was 24 inches at her 2 month checkup. Shes in 3-6 clothes and has a long torso. I find Burt’s bees fit her really well.
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Bamboo! My baby can fit newborn, 0-3 and 3-6 with it cuffed in Little Sleepies right now and she’s 99% for height and 3 months tomorrow.They are expensive but they last forever. I know Brave Little Ones has the same kind of cuffed feet but LS is our go to for sleepers.
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My son is 10weeks old has a long torso. He was 15 lbs at 8 weeks. We have an appointment on Friday, so we will see where he is at. I have been sad as I have so many clothes his brother wore that he won’t be able to. He is just growing so fast. He is wearing 9 month onesies and 9-12 months in tops. I do like jumping beans as my first son also has a long torso and that has worked for him.
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Magnetic Me and Little Sleepies brands are made of bamboo viscose so they are super soft, light, breathable, and stretchy. They fit my 10-week-old son well. He is 13 lbs and 24+ in long.
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Was going to suggest Burts Bees as well and I see others have beat me to it. I love the sleepers but I have to size down for my guy due to length. Also, some of the bamboo brands will work great for you, but maybe not all. Some I’ve found some run small but the brands I’ve tried that I feel run longer are Caden Lane and Little Sleepies. Little Sleepies are convertable to footless, so, they last longer.
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Also any bamboo modal PJs. I have the same issue with my girl and bamboo PJs have been the way to go. There’s lots of random companies out there (besides kyte and little sleepies) and I’ve been able to order her pjs for $11 each, which is very inexpensive for bamboo but more expensive than cotton, but my experience (STM) has been that they last/can wear them waaaay longer so it’s worth it.
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This may help you!
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Target cloud island soft ones are super long!! Also I feel like Kate Quinn ones are long too
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Echoing the Little Sleepies comments, they’re amazing and have tons of stretch! They’ll be especially nice for your boy if he runs hot too because they’re really cool. Burts Bees also runs long and I would say Hanna Anderson as well is a little longer
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