Daily News from New York, New York (2024)

Business Opportunities 1400 Positions Wanted 1100 Positions Wanted 1100 Employment Service 800 Household-Agency 203 Help Wanted 201 Health Care Careers POSTAL JOBS Now Hiring. Call 1-805-962-8000 Ext. P-9200 for current list. Fee required for guide. UP TO S1S40WEEK WORK at HOME I Assemble, toys, iewelry, electronics, etc.

Selling exp NOT rea d. Send seit-oaaressea siampea envelope io. Homeworkers P.O. Box 195 Trabuco Canyon, CA 92678 Positions Wanted 1100 A MAN WITH A VAN A TRUCK will move ony size job. Low rates, free estimates, 24 nr service, uhi: jonn (718) 461-1935 or (718) 358-9446.

A WITH YU AVAILABLE ANY JOB ANY TIME, ANYWHERE! CALL ANDY 718776-3594 HOME HEALTH AIDES NYS Certified, 2 verifioble refs. Live-in PT, FT. Excellent salary. Apply in person Tues Wed. CMMY HOME CARE Referral Service Inc.

3920 13th Ave, Bkiyn, NY 718 4354555 RN'S, LPN's, PCA'S i HHA'S Now Accepting Applications for these positions. Del's Comprehensive Healthcare Registry Agcy, 99-31 161st Jamaica NY 11432 Or Coll 718-291-1339 for OPPtmt, 9om-5pm. Employment Service 800 ASSEMBLY AT HOME Pay to $627wk. Fee. Crafts, Sewing, Toys.

Wood, Jewelry, etc CALL 24 HPS 21 2-468-? 383. Learn To Earn Mover Avoilobte 24 hr service tocol ond long distonce. Fully insured. Low, tow rotes. Fast reliable service.

Call anytime (718) 622-8806 MOVING Rent A Truck wDrw Local Long Distonce, Lo rates. John at 718-235-2173; Beeper 718-764-7157 NURSES' AIDEBABTSTTTER AVAILABLE Reliobte. Good references. Experienced. Live out.

718 856-7170 PAINTER DECORATOR in oil boros, quality work, low rates 8. free estimates. Coll Jim after 6 P.M. (914) 964-1902. Public Relations Writer avail to write brochures, newsletters, press releases, direct moil copy, etc.

on per protectpermanent basis. 718 373-6576 TWO WOMEN Experienced. Looking for child core or housekeeping work. Will work in any boro. Call anytime, 718-363-8717 Business Opportunities 1400 Business Opportunities 1420 Franchises Distributorships 1470 Facilities For Mfg.

Business Opportunities 1400 i Lone Bowling Center BarRestour-ont. Income property, tSOK down. Great Money Maker! P.O. Box 574 Kenmore Branch Buffalo, NY, 14217 The Pet LEARN NEC SIGHS at City Tech! REGISTER NOW! FIRE BURGLAR ALARMS BASIC ELECTRICITY CCTVSECURITY LOCKSMITIIING PEST CONTROL CERTIFIED NURSES AIDE seeks full or port time position, day, evening or weekend. Willing to cook or clean.

Call 718-771-7629. Certified Nursing Assistant Seeking a as companion. Babysitter or domestic worker. Prefer liveout. Call (718) 639-7724 Certified Nurses Aide seeks FT or PT position, days or weekends.

Willing to cook clean. With references. Call (718) 342-1665 CHILD CARE Avail in my home. Now you don't have to worry about your child. Safe fomily environment.

All oaes. Excel refs. Reasonable rotes, lots of TLC. Special rate 718-358-5738. Dependable, caring lady seeks position as baby sitter, home attendant, companion aid with exp refs.

Call (718) 522-3472 DRIVER with 22" Lift Gate truck seeking full or port time work, tn-state area, reliable reasonable rates. Call Joe (716) 641-9731 HANDYMAN-With moving truck. Corpentry, plumbing, dry wall, electrical, landscaping. Coll 212-851-4851. beeper HOME ATTENDANT-Young woman seeks days work, weekend or nights sleep-in.

I have checkable references. Coil 212-792-4956. nuvicKcercivLMfiivncN -eeeve en nvl lima I iua out. Experienced. Refs.

Available Ulll, lIOI JOJ-J'QI I AM LOOKING for a Babysitting Job. Pleasant environment ond responsible Person in Astoria wrefs. (718) 956-3990 or 718-278-5878 Looking for work: Man with crew demolition, gutting out also cutting boilers oil tanks. Complete roofing 100. uiti nam-pm lioi aa-oa MAN mm Ft.

HIGH CUBE VAN. For Moving ond Deliveries 5 SOROS. S60-S110 Call (718) 4954637 Beep (718) 764-1157 MATURE WOMAN seeks H. companion to elderly. Work reference ore available.

Live in or out. Coll Thelma (718)284-2707 Join Adoption I Vfevtiurlree I ll GellOU "Newpw 1 CconCenter Direction-LIE exit 36 North 4 KHLES Port Washington Watch lor 2nd TEXACO i CofnG see w' 1 I Adoption Center-. -4 LlltW r- ADOPTION PUPPIES NEW YORK CITY TECHNICAL COLLEGE Division of Continuing Education 250 Jay Street, Room AD 13 Brooklyn, NY 11201-2983 CA11 713-260-5757 SPECIAUl FREES KITTENS I AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY HousekeepersChild Core, Nurses Aides, Companions, Elderly Core. Honest, reliable, wrefs. InOut.

7186584490 BubysltterswusekperVcompoBions-cleonerscooks from different countries. Good references. Low low fees. DEE AGCY (718) 262-8300 Household Help 204 CHILD CARE FT Late hours into earty morning. Exp'd wAefs.

Cafl 212 956-5983 Domestic Live-Hi (Whttestenc NY) 5V? days Man-Sot 44 hrs. $10 38hr OT free pvt rm bd. 3 mos exp read. Clean 14 rm Use. Wash, iron, vacuum, grocery shopping, cooking, care for infant 5 wks old.

Coll Mary Lou 718 358-4421 Instruction 1200 Instruction 1210 Educational Career Services 1290 Colleges Universities Learn To Earn ARE On HSTAM COURSE FRCC Of CHARGE UNTH TOU BOI 6 WEEKS 'CERT. PROG HEWL0WTUTTI0H OFFICIAL D.E.D. PRACTICE TEST AVAIL AMPM WEEKEND FREE PRIVATE TUTOR BKLYNQUEENSMANH QUALIFY FOR COLLEGE GOVT JOBS ARMED FORCES NO Green Card or Social Security Mumbei Requited Registered by Stole ot New Vortc Ahlmfci LEARNING RySlytS systems, inc. (718)643-4500 (212)425-0168 TRAIN TO BECOME A TRAVEL AGENT AA SABRE Job MocmMnt Assistant ForGfods Financial Aid Avail, if Quattned. CTI 5008th Ave.

2nd Floor (212) 564-0500 bvN.Y-S- TFIAKVJ TO BECOME A nurses Or Nursing Assistant FINANCIAL AID (AVAILABLE IF QUALIFIED) Mo EipsrOr Hiofi School Noocted tor brads CTI SCO 8ft Ave. 2nd FL (212)564-0500 licmsid by N.Y. Stoic Id. Dipt. TRAIN TO BECOME A BAHK TELLER 3 WEEKS Train in Your Spars Tims Den; or Evening Classes Job Plocsmsnf Assistonc ForGrads CTI SC3 Stti Ive.

2nd Floor 212-554-0500 "A Unique Vending Oppty" Nome Brand Condies PfT, FT. Huge Profits, No Selling! Investment Required. Call for appt. 1-800-499-8484 AUTO REPAIR SHOP Parking lot for rent, 2 bay oarage, 11,700 sq ftn fenced parking lot ot comor of Pork Ave 4 102nd St. (212) 535-3442 CARVEL ICE CREAM STORE North Miami Beach Florida.

Good Area. Well estab. Under S180K 305-944-4926 Evenings or 305-680-9092 DELI-GLENDALE Exc toe. High visibility, ideal for small investor. Fixtures included.

Asking $49,900 ANTONELLI RE (718) 326-4554 DELIGROCERY for sale, long lease, hi income, corner area, good location. Call 212-722-2199. Grocery, Deli, Candy Turn key operation. Fully stocked. Long lease, low rent, $42,000 negterms.

Come see. 36-28 Francis Lewis Blvd. Bayside NY. LAUNDROMAT New For Sole. 26 Wash Mochs, 20 Dryers, Exc location, 9 years on lease.

New Accessories ind $180,000. Coll 718-291-6112. Pin A RESTAURANT Fried Chicken Donuts. Long lease. Very good Bronx location, doing very good business.

914-969-5302 QUEENS BLVD BEAUTY SALON For rent. All fixtues in ploce, turnkey operation. Close to all. FACEY HOMES 7184584300 RESTAURANT EL CASTILLO Good opportunity. Located ot Fronklyn Ave Carroll St Brooklyn.

Call (718) 774-1008 Use Car lot repair shop on Linden Blvd in bkiyn. With alt permits. 13,000 sq ft. With 2 lifts and air compresser completely fenced. Coil (718) 4854418 Business Connections 1440 BUSINESS PARTNERINVESTOR Needed for busy Jomaican restaurant or hair dressing salon.

Very busy location. High income. Coll 718-346-lftW anytime Set Pets For MALTESE i TORKIES Teacups PRIVATE Home AKCSnots Paper Trained718-748-8586 MASTIFFS Fawn 8, Bnndle pups. Sire over 275 lbs. Superb guard dogs.

Good fomily dogs. Shipping Financing. Call, (314) 6264433 NEOPOUTAII MASTIFF PUP, pick of litter, female. Call (718) 965-8690. PERSIAN ft HIMALAYAN KITTENS Mony colors.

Papers shots. Health guartd. Affectionate, fluffy beauties. Uncoged. Home raised.

718-646-7270 POODLES AKC, block standard puppies, cnompion sired, excellent temperament, paper trained, shots. Call (516) 331-0759 PUPPY FOR SALE 7 mos old, handsome Dobermon mixed. House trained, eager to please, affectionate, healthy with all shots, 212-799-4406 QUEENS LARGEST PUPPY NURSERY! 200 PUPPIES NO CAGES 43-55 Kissena Blvd. Exit 24 (off LIE) (718) 359-8686 ROTTWEILER PUPPIES MF Outstanding quality and size. Call (718) 397-9263 ROTTWEILER PUPS AKC, 8 wks, shots, wormed, parents on prem, excellent watch dogs.

Reasonalbe. (908) 283-3522 ROTTWEILERS pure bred, papers, large bones, males females, 7 weeks old, (914) 668-5544 ROTTWEILERS PUPS Large boned, AKC registered, shots, malesfemales, reasonable. Call (212) 733-0416 ROTTWEILER PUPS Moles femoles, home raised, parents on premises. AKC registered. Large boned.

$500. (718) 273-1780 ROTTWEILER PUPS Champ fine, AKC. Parents on premises. Big bones. German imports.

Call 718455-6713. SHELTIE AKC, week oW male, beautifully marked, sobie white, chomp sire, excellent temperament. Shots, (516) 277-5471 WEST HIGHLAND TERRIER PUPS AKC, champs sired, superb quality, vet examined, shots, guaranteed. For those who want the best. 718-351-5646.

YOKSHIRE TERRIERS 8 wks Home bred, show blood, All papers. (718)232-2104 YORKIE MIXED PUPS males, 8 wks old, small, cuddly ddorable. Call (718) 444-5933 YORKSHIRE TERRIERS 6 weeks Home Bred. Toy size. Healthy.

Days: 212-989-1470, eves, 718-522-3184 Birds For SaM Princess of Wholes MUST SELL Includes Cage. $250. (212) 535-3350 TWO SUN CONURES TAME HAND FEED 3. YEARS. OLD 4275.

EACH (212) 671-7879 MGMT OPPTY FIRE YOUR BOSS Are you fired of letting your boss control your lite? Are you frustrated wnot earning the type of money you deserve? If the onwer is we con show you how to moke more money than you ever dreamed possible, marketing Inf'l Fomous "OMA HA proouas TO wamng cusTomers. Full training, company vehicle, 93 mwrt nitpwfcnd. benefits. 718-969-2118 516-937-1550 Seamstress FT Exp'd Working on either Merrow ft Elastic or Singer baming suires ooumQue. wen uuve.

um iv-ft lues-sai 3lfr0-lU SECRETARY FT. Waste Removal Co. Seeks exp. in tetecomm. skills, Iwhi UMO myw- hi.t,naiml Mospeth industrial area.

718526-5018 SECURITY GUARDS All Shifts. Telephone a must! Drivers Lie a plus. Storting Sol. Appty in person: 10am-2pm. Flog Security Services 9603 Flottanos bkiyn.

Km. wo Mr. SECURITY GUARDS Bkiyn, Queens Bronx Supermarket exp. Call 212-293-3032 bet lOom-Spm Vwno Mnrhine Operators. Exp'd on nor row cover stitch singer.

Also Exp'd Fir Manager. Apply in person. Rainbow Swimweor, 5204 Ave Brooklyn, NY, or coll: 718-252-4747. SEWING MACH OPERS (2) (Singer). FT Exo 8, speed a must.

Up to $8 OCyhr. To work floor of 8 people, uhi wmno i-w--imj. TEACHERS ElementorySecondorv. Must meet Alaska cert requirements. Coll 907-269-2144 or send resume: Dir EEO, Box I9M14, Anchorage AK 99519 TECHNICIANS METRO DEALER accepting applicationsresumes for ToshibaSavin trained Field Engineers.

Applicants must hove 2 yrs exp servicing above rrnnrt rnrners. Must have cor. For application please contact Rick (212) 447-7444 TELEMARKETERS PE Ail POSraS AVAILABLE now for commissions The bidepenM Contratt)rs are Rem Park 275-9846 Romd Middle Ullage. -018 847-7331 -(718) 326-7777 (718) 461-3958 (718) 627-2900 -(718) 859-4452 (718) 256-8022 (718) 698-0591 585-5875 .03 594-6397 Flushme. Krirc Hvw' Bkiyn College Area.

Bkiyn, Balli Ave Staten Island tekonta Manhattan TELEMARKETING-Would You Like To Earn EXTRA Phone work only! Old Estob E. ofc 30 yrsoioer. Call 4-9pm Weekdays. 258-6000 TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS Customer Service PT-FT. No Experience Nee Jd-9Hr.

Coll Between vom 8, 5pm 212-408-8398 WELDER-For Choimir Fence Co. Organized and self-motivated. Must have exp all types chainiinks ga'es. Knowledge of fence fittings and driver's license a big plus. Also looking for subcontractors, chainlink work must have awn truck and tools.

(718) 330-7387 Sales Help 202 SEAL ESTATE SUB ERA Brooklyn A Queens real estate offices seek sales agents. Draw ft high comm. MANY BENEFITS, TRAINING. MANY LEADS. Tremendous newpoper, TV radio advertising ond broker support.

In Bklvn, Coll Mary, 718338-1309 In Queens. Call Vkki, 718723-3737 Real Estate Excellent Opportunity Rental agents, sales people. Extremely active red Estate office in Bkiyn heart of Church Ave. seeks rental agents licensed Safes People tor residential commercial Dept. High commission split, cor necessary, sales people work directly with broker.

SIONY REALTY (711) 853-5000 REAL ESTATE SALES Aggresssive, motivated individuals willing to annual. You must enioy working wpeoole, cor a W'll train, sponsor, lead to rewarding career. Coll Gory, 718-338-3380 REAL ESTATE SALES PortFull time avail! NO car or exp nec! FREE 2 wk training! S600-S1200 weekly comm's. Call. 718-672-4731 IMMEDIATE SALES.

15 people who are looking for steady work. No lavoffs. Rapid advancement. High eornings incentive. 1st year.

Unique paid vocation programs. Profi comprehensive training. Backed by a 75 year old oppiionce company. Must be neat ond ambitious. Have cor.

Motivating ond self storting. Leadership ability. For Interview: Qns (718) 723-2252, NaSSOU (516) 437-7005. TELEMARKETERS Exp. prefd.

Notional Com Company seeks experience sates help rare coins. Contact Mr. Dempsey, 718-318-8022. TOUR KSXIiflSTESS To show properties in Atlantic City PT-FT. NO cor nec.

S400-S900 weekly ararrusuea. F-r-e-e training! Coll: 718672-4651 sta LEFT on Davis Ave -park FREE I-Wl TbeNorth Shore Animal Ops UM W-10 Everyday-Sat Sun. tool swm mhhm I Davis Ave Port Washington. I (516)883-75751 mtnttomfi I iHHM aMSMaL. 0EXP 22292 DOGS 100 to Choose From! 2 Manv Valuable i Poodle, Collie, Cocker, Lab.

Golden, Yorky, Dane. Pug. Malamute. Beagle, Shelty, Persian. Siamese more! adopters bonus! SpayNeuter Special Pre-Adopt Shots Collar Leash ID Tag to OUlJ WWW XI PRCC I CHERRY PIE! League! I Pets For Safe 2002 CHINESE SHAR-PEI Treasures Wrinkled pubs avail MF, chomp breeding.

Excellent pedigree. Health guaranteed. All shots to approved homes. (718) 969-0954 CHINESE SHAR-PEI PUPPIES Standard size mini's availoble. Shots AKC papers.

Health guar. Call Dave: (201) 385-7493 CHINESE SHAR-PEI wrinkled, cute, 8 wks, bred for temperamentauolity. papers shots, priced to sell, terms avail. (516) 466-6962 or (718) 397-9852 CHINESE SHARPEIS-Tiny toy females $1000. AND Pot Belly Piglet S500.

Call 908431-2501 Freehold, NJ. CHINESE SHAR-PEI Wf Chocolate Sable. Chomp bloodlines. Papers. Shots.

1 yr guarantee. $675. Serious inquiries only. 212 406-2353 CHOW CHOW PUPS (3), 1 of a kind. AKC Registered with papers, shots, 8 wks old.

Must sell! (718)259-4915 dob pups 2 HUGE RED MALES! Dock'g, crop'g, papers. Must see! 212-904-1707 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPPIES Beautiful MolesFemales AKC REGISTERED 718-727-4383 FOUND-Dog, 216. Block and white short hair, young female. Floppy ears, pink collar, Found in Hushing, Kissena Park Areo. (718) 353-1278 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Big Boned, AKC reg.

Parents on premises. $300. With papers. Evenings otter 6 PM, 51631-1246 LABGOLDEN RETRIEVER Schnouzer Pups, Minis, $150, Also adults, older pups $150 Rore blacks 516-737-8347 LARGE SEIKO HOME B83) AKC PUPPIES $50 Off WITH THIS AO! fREE VET EXAM 1 YR GUAR 1-800-834-9985, 718-332-3400 TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN No fap. Or High School Hi.dtil fubflm AMiiliwnriii firorti Finonooi Aid Available If OuaMM CTI 5008tkNL 2a.

FW (212)564-0500 TRAIN TO BECOME A RECEPTIONIST In Only 3 WEEKS Learn Alt The Skills You Ntd High School Not Required Day Or Evening Classes Job Piocemenl Assist For Grods CTI 500 8th Ave. 2nd Floor (212) 564-0500 Brooklyn Training Center 44 Court St (718) 855-7979 Cambridge Educational Services said they WOULD RECOMMEND This Course Id Their Friends! Call: (212) 866-3283 A fflin CENTER NURSES AIDE HYC 212-575-5145 J895 Bx 2T2-3U-4700 AIDES LIC. NYS ED. DEPT. INT'L BARTENDERS SCHOOL 1-800-339-0001 BARTENDING 212-532-4200, Ei 70 AMERICAN BARTENDERS SCHOOL Be 1ML AGENT MO weeks FINANCIAL AID ovoil.

if vou qualify TRAVEL INSTITUTE (212) 349-3331 DRIVERS Tractor Troiler-8us-Tnid(, Train locally. No lie rWd. Job placement Assist GUAR. Mr. Hart (212) 242-7547 EK TECHNO T299 Povment Terms A Job Placement 212564-1234 LEGAL ASST WORD PROCSECY TRAVELTOURISM Betty Owen Schools Monh.

212-863-1206; Qns 719-721-6500 MEDICAL ASSISTANT t9 Payment Terms Avail. Job Placement 2121564-1234 MEDICAL BILLER J299 Payment Terms Avail. Job Placement 212S64-1234 VEDtCAL CAREEB TRAINIKG NURSES AIDE NURSING ASSISTANT with Clinical Experience Available If You Qualify (212) 675-2140 SCI 116 W. 14th NYC NU06 ASSiSTANT-TrafB at HATS Bkiyn (718)852-08A Qns(718)291-1944 Bronx (212) 365-4700 LI (516)485-5112 Mt.Vernon (914)667-2898 PHLEBOTOMY TECH (Blood Drawing) $299 payment terms avoilable Job Placement 212564-1234 TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN: ELECTRONICS COMPUTERS. DRAFTING DENTAL ASST! LEHIGH TECH (718) 297-2722 TRAVEL AGENT TRAINING $199 6 week certificate program.

Days, Eves, or Sot. Classes. Job Placement Assist. Travel Careers, 212-242-2277 TWA In cooperation with Hanover Institute will train you for the travel industry. Call: (212) 495-3141 UPGRADING PCWJ.

NA'S HA'S fO HHA'S. BCLS. ACLS, EKG, IV Cert, Critical Core. Many other courses offered- Call Bea Rvnecki 718 692-1177 eg DI1DDICC fffk.1 KITTENS Vl UP IU HlUb Ne II find them goofl nomes1 We MEVER DESTROY CALL FOR FREE HOME PICK-UP IN NY. I CT (516) 883-2000 North Shore Animal League ADOPT Cynthia Svmon Must go together.

Also, 2 mos to 2 yr old young cats kittens. Healthy vaccinated. 718 435-l72 or 718 8364235 CATS, DOGS, KITTENS, PUPS Healthy, de-wormed, spayed, de-clawed, responsible homes, donation. 718-921-9654 or 718-745-3640 Puts For Sets 2002 A WORLD OF PETS Hos all types of PUPPIES-PUPPIES-PUPPIES All Home Bred. Temperment tested.

1 yr guar. 718-238-PETS (7387) AKC GERMAN SHEPft DOBE PUPS Boxers Chows Goldens Huskys Rottweilers Schnouzers Cockers All Breeds avail. Guar. 718-946-7014 ALASKIN MALAMUTES 2 males, 1 female, 2 wolf grey, 1 soble, healthy, neutered, friendly, need fenced yrd. Call Rescue (718) 969-7912.

AMERICAN STAFF SHIRE Terrier Pups, Rvans. Lines, Males Females, Call 908-526-5146. BOXER PUPS AKC Flashy fawns, brindles, MF, Bred for quality, temperment. Shots, wormed. S50B-, 1550 (914) 658-9785 uiu co XI CO T3 CO Ul.

Daily News from New York, New York (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.