Kelway invented an electrical log in 1876.
Who invented Him, if He did not exist?
Perhaps you think you have invented a novelty?
We also can't hammer nails with our hands, so we invented hammers.
In 1902 Marconi invented two forms of magnetic detector, one of which he developed into an electric wave detector of extraordinary delicacy and utility.
He found it laughable that the living invented so many myths to create a false sense of security regarding the dark predators.
But I do not understand how he ever thought a blind and deaf child of eleven could have invented them.
The screw or rotatory log of Edward Massey, invented in 1802, came into general use in 1836 and continued until 1861.
He invented the wheel barometer, discussed the application of barometrical indications to meteorological forecasting, suggested a system of optical telegraphy, anticipated E.F.F.
I gave up the best pension scheme ever invented to brew beer.
You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding.
But the Liverpool & Manchester railway, opened in 1830, first impressed the national mind with the fact that a revolution in the methods of travelling had really taken place; and further, it was for it that the first high-speed locomotive of the modern type was invented and constructed.
It is hilarious that an invented prohibition of splitting infinitives should have such an impact even today without people even knowing why.
The only signs which I think she may have invented were her signs for SMALL and LARGE.
According to the legend, Athena, who had invented the flute, threw it away in disgust, because it distorted the features.
The use of mercuric fulminate as a detonator dates from about 1814, when the explosive cap was invented.
In 1836 Cooke, to whom the idea appears to have been suggested by Schilling's method, invented a telegraph in which an alphabet was worked out by the single and combined movement of three needles.
This form of electric wave detector proved itself to be far more certain in operation and sensitive than anything previously invented.
Hughes invented the microphone, but did not apply for letters patent.
Thus diachylon plaster was invented by Menecrates in A.D.
An electuary of opium, known as Mithradatum, was invented by Mithradates VI., king of Pontus, who lived in constant fear of being poisoned, and tested the effects of poisons on criminals, and is said to have taken poisons and their antidotes every day in the year.
The Master Car Builders' Association, a great body of mechanical officers organized especially to being about improvement and uniformity in details of construction and operation, expressed its sense of the importance of " self-coupling " so far back as 1874, but no device of the kind that could be considered useful had then been invented.
In principle it had been invented by Sir Marc I.
The influence of Demeter, however, was not limited to corn, but extended to vegetation generally and all the fruits of the earth, with the curious exception of the bean, the use of which was forbidden at Eleusis, and for the protection of which a special patron was invented.
At first an eight years' cycle was adopted, but it was found to be faulty, then the Jewish cycle of 84 years was used, and remained in force at Rome till the year 457, when a more accurate calculation of a cycle of 532 years, invented by Victorius of Acquitaine, took its place.
The Realists held that universals alone have substantial reality, existing ante res; the Nominalists that universals are mere names invented to express the qualities of particular things and existing post res; while the Conceptualists, mediating between the two extremes, held that universals are concepts which exist in our minds and express real similarities in things themselves.
The rotary system of drilling which is in general use in the oilfields of the coastal plain of Texas is a modification of that invented Rotary by Fauvelle in 1845, and used in the early years of the R .
He was a man of high character and benevolent disposition, a fine flute-player, and a generous master to his slaves, for whose children he invented the rattle.
The art of writing also appears to have been independently invented by the Malayan races, since numerous alphabets are in use among the peoples of the archipelago, although for the writing of Malay itself the Arabic character has been adopted for some hundreds of years.
They first invented and named the alembic for the purposes of distillation, analyzed the substances of the three kingdoms of nature, tried the distinction and affinities of alkalis and acids, and converted the poisonous minerals into soft and salutary remedies.
At the same time Berzelius obtained the element, in an impure condition, by fusing silica with charcoal and iron in a blast furnace; its preparation in a pure condition he first accomplished in 1823, when he invented the method of heating double potassium fluorides with metallic potassium.
The medieval Arabians invented our system of numeration and developed algebra.
France invented the hypermarket but went through a similar change of heart even earlier, as did The Netherlands.
In Britain the Romans found it so cold that they invented a sort of central heating called a hypocaust.
He introduced Daimler cars to Britain and with Bosch he invented magneto ignition.
In these films newly invented rays stop the engines of planes in flight.
Finally, I invented a new Adjustable Post-hole, which I thought would make my fortune.
Is there one person who invented video games?
Athena was said to have invented the plough, and to have taught men to tame horses and yoke oxen.
In 1833 Pattinson invented his process by means of which practically all the silver is concentrated in 13% of the original lead to be cupelled, while the rest becomes market lead.
Several pieces of apparatus have been invented for comparing the magnetic quality of a sample with that of a standard iron rod by a zero method, such as is employed in the comparison of electrical resistances by the Wheatstone bridge.
He invented magnets that could withstand the effects of percussion and ordinary temperature variations.
He studied ancient theories of music, and is said to have invented the thirteen-syllable verse known subsequently as versi martelliani.
On his farm Smith carried out his experiments in deep and thorough draining, and also invented a reaping machine, the subsoil plough and numerous other valuable appliances.
In the 16th century the latinized form Edina was invented and has been used chiefly by poets, once notably by Burns, whose " Address " begins " Edina!
But conversion, after all, was the chief aim of these devoted missionaries, and when some Venetian priests had invented a Latin alphabet for the Magyar language a great step had been taken towards its accomplishment.
Lavoisier he made an important series of experiments on specific heat (1782-1784), in the course of which the "ice calorimeter" was invented; and they contributed jointly to the Memoirs of the Academy (1781) a paper on the development of electricity by evaporation.
The questions raised by these considerations have attracted much public attention under the newly invented name of " eugenics," but they are of an exceedingly difficult and delicate nature.
At one time the Turkish script was altered, with the result that officers were unable to read their reports or orders; then the Enverie, a highly unpractical head-covering, reminiscent of a child's paper hat, was invented and introduced; in March 1914 he demanded and obtained the hand of Princess Nadjie, the Sultan's niece, made himself general of a division, and began, moreover, to take thought for his financial future.
By the laryngoscope, invented about 1850 by Manuel Garcia the celebrated singingmaster, and perfected by Johann Czermak (1828-1873) and others, the diseases of the larynx also have been brought into the general light which has been shed on all fields of disease; and many of them, previously known more or less empirically, submitted to precise definition and cure.
They have been regarded as a fiction invented later by the enemies of Epicureanism, with the view of discrediting the most powerful work ever produced by any disciple of that sect.
He was a strong advocate of the groupflashing system as a means of differentiating lights, and invented an arrangement for carrying it into effect optically, his plan being first adopted for the catoptric light of the Royal Sovereign lightship, in the English Channel off Beachy Head.
In acoustics he invented, about 1819, the improved siren which is known by his name, using it for ascertaining the number of vibrations corresponding to a sound of any particular pitch, and he also made experiments on the mechanism of voice-production.
Avanturine glass, that in which numerous small particles of copper are diffused through a transparent yellowish or brownish mass, was not invented until about 1600.
One remarkable man, Giuseppe Briati, exerted himself, with much success, both in working in the old Venetian method and also in imitating the new fashions invented in Bohemia.
It is probable that flintglass was not invented, but gradually evolved, that potash-lead glasses were in use during the latter part of the 17th century, but that the mixture was not perfected until the middle of the following century.
In the Greek school at Alexandria, which flourished under the auspices of the Ptolemies, the first attempts were made at the construction of hydraulic machinery, and about 120 B.C. the fountain of compression, the siphon, and the forcing-pump were invented by Ctesibius and Hero.
The development of astronomy implies considerable progress in mathematics; it is not surprising, therefore, that the Babylonians should have invented an extremely simple method of ciphering or have discovered the convenience of the duodecimal system.
It was at this time too that the many-sided Alexius invented his famous "drops," or tinctura toniconervina Bestuschefi, the recipe of which was stolen by the French brigadier Lamotte, who made his fortune by introducing it at the French court, where it was known as Elixir d'Or.
Each gild numbered various classes of members, ranging from beginners, or Schiller (corresponding to trade-apprentices), and Schulfreunde (who were equivalent to Gesellen or journeymen), to Meister, a Meister being a poet who was not merely able to write new verses to existing melodies but had himself invented a new melody.
These attachments, first invented by Jeremiah Howard, and described in the United States Patent Journal in 1858, are simply hydraulic rams fitted into the side or top caps of the mill, and pressing against the side or top brasses in such a manner as to allow the side or top roll to move away from the other rolls, while an accumulator, weighted to any desired extent, keeps a constant pressure on each of the rams. An objection to the top cap arrangement is, that if the volume or feed is large enough to lift the top roll from the cane roll, it will simultaneously lift it from the megass roll, so that the megass will not be as well pressed as it ought to be;' and an objection to the side cap arrangement on the megass roll as well as to the top cap arrangement is, that in case more canes are fed in at one end of the rolls than at the other, the roll will be pushed out farther at one end than at the other; and though it may thus avoid a breakdown of the rolls, it is apt, in so doing, to break the ends off the teeth of the crown wheels by putting them out of line with one another.
The multiple-effect evaporator, originally invented and constructed by Norberto Rilleux in New Orleans in 1840, has under gone many changes in design and construction since Effect that year.
Watt, when he invented the steam engine, laid down the principles on which it is based, and they hold good to the present day.
The Krajewski crusher was invented some years ago by a Polish engineer resident in Cuba, who took out a patent for it and gave it his name.
Nahnsen's process, with an electrolyte containing alkali-metal sulphate and zinc sulphate, has been used in Germany, and a process invented by Dieffenbach has also been tried in that country.
In conjunction with Josiah Latimer Clark, with whom he entered into partnership in 1861, he invented improved methods of insulating submarine cables, and a paper on electrical standards read by them before the British Association in the same year led to the establishment of the British Association committee on that subject, whose work formed the foundations of the system still in use.
Chaplin's apparatus, which was invented and patented later, has also since 1865 been sanctioned for use on emigrant, troop and passenger vessels.
Lithography, which was invented at Munich at the end of the 18th century, is extensively practised here.
The citizens espoused the cause of Diether, but their city was captured by Adolph; it was then deprived of its privileges and was made subject to the archbishop. Many of the inhabitants were driven into exile, and these carried into other lands a knowledge of the art of printing, which had been invented at Mainz by Johann Gutenberg in 1450.
Convex spectacles were invented towards the end of the 13th century.
The first powerloom used in the United States was invented about 1812, and was set up at Peacedale, in 1814, for the manufacture of woollen saddlegirths and other webbing.
The metre, which by a curious naivete Tennyson long believed that he had invented, served by its happy peculiarity to bind the sections together, and even to give an illusion of connected movement to the thought.
Among other things Hales invented a "sea-gauge" for sounding, and processes for distilling fresh from sea water, for preserving corn from weevils by fumigation with brimstone, and for salting animals whole by passing brine into their arteries.
Iwleanwhile an inquirer is confronted by the strange fact that of three neighboring countries between which frequent communication existed, one (China) never deviated from an ideographic script; another (Korea) invented an alphabet, and the third (Japan) devised a syllabary.
It is commonly believed that the two Japanese syllabarieswhich, though distinct in form, have identical soundswere invented by Kukai (790) and Kibi Daijin (760) respectively.
Chinese has the widest capacity of any tongue ever invented.
A century later, the daimyo namako was invented, in which lines of dots alternated with lines of polished ground.
Mention must also be made of an extraordinarily elaborate and troublesome process invented by Kajinia Ippu, a great artist of the present day.
It is a golden yellow bronze, called seniokuthis being the Japanese pronunciation of Suen-t, the era of the Ming dynasty of China when this compound was invented.
He suggested the use of experimental tanks for testing the powers of ship models, invented an ear-trumpet for the deaf, improved the common house-stove of his native land, cured smoky chimneys, took a lively interest in machine-guns and even sketched a flying machine.
According to Roscher (in his Lexikon der Mythologie), who identifies the ciris with the heron, the story of Nisus and Scylla (like these of Acdon, Procne, Philomela and Tereus) was invented to give an aetiological explanation of the characteristics of certain birds.
The stories which Geoffrey preserved or invented were not infrequently a source of inspiration to literary artists.
Various special keys have been invented for performing the electrical operations expeditiously.
He invented a machine which so supported his hand that he could write legibly with closed eyes.
The maritime expansion of Corinth at this time is proved by the foundation of colonies at Syracuse and Corcyra, and the equipment of a fleet of triremes (the newly invented Greek men-of-war) to quell a revolt of the latter city.
Several cycles were formerly known in Europe; but most of them were invented for the purpose of adjusting the solar and lunar divisions of time, and were rather employed in the regulation of the calendar than as chronological eras.
Can we suppose that "the man who had read the letter" invented much of its contents, and told them to Moray, who told de Silva, and told Darnley's father, Lennox, then in or near London?
About the beginning of the 19th century Dr Wollaston invented a simple form of the camera lucida which gives bright and erect images.
Here, too, is Rhymer's glen, although the name was invented by Sir Walter Scott, who added the dell to his Abbotsford estate.
That Machiavelli invented it to express the irritation of his own domestic life is a myth without foundation.
It must be remembered, however, that when Dollond expressed preference for this third type he had not then invented the achromatic object-glass.
The figure of the first beast presents many difficulties, owing to the fact that it is not freely invented but largely derived from traditional elements and is by the writer identified with the seventh wounded head.
Brooke, a midshipman of the U.S.N., invented the principle on the " Valdivia " in 1898-1899, and to those of the " Belgica " already foreshadowed by Nicolaus Cusanus in the 15th century in 1897-1898, the " Gauss " in 1902-1903, and the " Scotia " and by Robert Hooke in the 17th, of using a heavy weight so in 1903-1904.
These enabled him to elucidate the true nature of soap; he was also able to discover the composition of stearin and olein, and to isolate stearic and oleic acids, the names of which were invented by him.
Poncelet (1788-1867) invented a form of Prony brake which automatically adjusted its grip as µ changed, thereby maintaining F constant.
Latinus was a shadowy personality, invented to explain the origin of Rome and its relations with Latium, and only obtained importance in later times through his legendary connexion with Aeneas and the foundation of Rome.
Vast water-power is developed on the Merrimac at Lawrence and Lowell, and on the Connecticut at South Hadley, and to a less extent at scores of other cities on many streams and artificial ponds; many of the machines that have revolutionized industrial conditions since the beginning of the factory system have been invented by Massachusetts men; and the state contains various technical schools of great importance.
The question of the utilization of water-power had engaged his attention even earlier, and in 1839 he invented an improved rotary water motor.
Those known to the older naturalists were for a long while referred to the genus Certhia (Tree-Creeper, q.v.) or some other group, but they are now fully recognized as forming a valid Passerine family Nectariniidae, from the name Neetarinia invented in 1881 by Illiger.
To supply their wants the Americans invented modifications in natural materials, the working of which was their industries.
The potter's wheel did not exist in the western world, but it was almost invented.
Many forms of oxyhydrogen lamps have been invented, but the explosive nature of the gaseous mixture rendered them all more or less dangerous.
At his first appearance in history Guido was a monk in the Benedictine monastery of Pomposa, and it was there that he taught singing and invented his educational method, by means of which, according to his own statement, a pupil might learn within five months what formerly it would have taken him ten years to acquire.
The documents discovered by Dom Germain Morin, the Belgian Benedictine, about 1888, point to the conclusion that Guido was a Frenchman and lived from his youth upwards in the Benedictine monastery of St Maur des Fosses where he invented his novel system of notation and taught the brothers to sing by it.
Einhard married Emma, or Imma, a sister of Bernharius, bishop of Worms, and a tradition of the 12th century represented this lady as a daughter of Charlemagne, and invented a romantic story with regard to the courtship which deserves to be noticed as it frequently appears in literature.
The legend was probably invented to account for the origin of the provocatio (right of appeal to the people), while at the same time it points to the close connexion and final struggle for supremacy between the older city on the mountain and the younger city on the plain.
Aristarchus is also said to have invented two sun-dials, one hemi spherical, the so-called scaphion, the other plane.
Boulton and Watt's screw press, invented in 1788 and used at the Royal Mint until 1881, was worked by atmospheric pressure applied to a piston.
The coining presses now used are all modifications of the lever press invented by Uhlhorn of Grevenbroich near Cologne in 1839.
He invented the loom for the weaving of wire-cloth.
Thus Nicomedes invented the conchoid; Diodes the cissoid; Dinostratus studied the quadratrix invented by Hippias; all these curves furnished solutions, as is also the case with the trisectrix, a special form of Pascal's limacon.
Montaigne is one of the few great writers who have not only perfected but have also invented a literary kind.
At the age of nineteen he invented an electromagnetic engine, and in the course of examining its performance dissatisfaction with vague and arbitrary methods of specifying elec rical quantities caused him to adopt a convenient and scie tific unit, which he took to be the amount of electricity req ired to decompose nine grains of water in one hour.
Rousseau, however, never saw any of the alleged children; and Mrs Macdonald has shown good cause for believing that their existence was a myth, an imposition on Rousseau's credulity, invented by Therese and her mother to make the tie more binding.
The twenty-four tsieki or demi-tse were probably invented to mark the course of weather changes throughout the year.
The refined system of astrological prediction based upon the solar zodiac was invented in Chaldaea, obtained a second home and added elaborations in Egypt, and spread irresistibly westward about the beginning of the Christian era.
Aethers were invented for the planets to swim in, to constitute electric atmospheres and magnetic effluvia, to convey sensations from one part of our bodies to another, and so on, till all space had been filled three or four times over with aethers.
The only aether which has survived is that which was invented by Huygens to explain the propagation of light.
Various types of elastic solid medium have thus been invented to represent the aether, without complete success in any case.
In 1788 the first woollen mill in New England was opened in Hartford; and here, too, about 1846, the Rogers process of electro-silver plating was invented.
But no formula has yet been invented, derived on theoretical principles from the physical data, which will assign by calculation a definite magnitude to 3.
Poets of a later generation invented the story of the secret marriage of his sister Ximena with Sancho, count of Saldana, and the feats of their son Bernardo del Carpio.
The popular etymology of the name Tabriz from tab=fever, riz = pourer away (verb, rikhtan = pour away, flow; German rieseln?), hence "fever-destroying," is erroneous and was invented in modern times.
When a distinction was made between the souls in the under world, Sisyphus was supposed to be rolling up the stone perpetually as a punishment for some offence committed on earth; and various reasons were invented to account for it.
He especially devoted himself to investigations of the radiation of heat from the sun and its absorption by the earth's atmosphere, and to that end devised various delicate methods and instruments, including his electric compensation pyrheliometer, invented in 1893, and apparatus for obtaining a photographic representation of the infra-red spectrum (1895).
He invented a method of printing, perhaps somewhat akin to stereotyping - though the details are not clearly known, - whereby the Institute could produce Bibles and Testaments in Luther's version at a very low cost, and sell them, in small size, at prices equivalent to 10d.
We cannot suppose that such a system would be invented and become general in face of the laws enforcing the 12 in.
Logarithms were originally invented for the sake of abbreviating arithmetical calculations, as by their means the operations of multiplication and division may be replaced by those of addition and subtraction, and the operations of raising to powers and extraction of roots by those of multiplication and division.
The former translated the work into English; the latter was concerned with Napier in the change of the logarithms from those originally invented to decimal or common logarithms, and it is to him that the original calculation of the logarithmic tables now in use is mainly due.
There is a short " preface to the reader " by Briggs, and a description of a triangular diagram invented by Wright for finding the proportional parts.
It is important to notice that in the Constructio logarithms are called artificial numbers; and Robert Napier states that the work was composed several years (aliquot annos) before Napier had invented the name logarithm.
Passing now to the invention of common or decimal logarithms, that is, to the transition from the logarithms originally invented by Napier to logarithms to the base io, the first allusion to a change of system occurs in the "Admonitio " on the last page of the Descriptio (1614), the concluding paragraph of which is " Verum si huius inventi usum eruditis gratum fore intellexero, dabo fortasse brevi (Deo aspirante) rationem ac methodum aut hunc canonem emendandi, aut emendatiorem de novo condendi, ut ita plurium Logistarum diligentia,limatior tandem et accuratior, quam unius opera fieri potuit, in lucem prodeat.
In the same year (1620) Napier's Descriptio (1614) and Constructio (1619) were reprinted by Bartholomew Vincent at Lyons and issued together.5 Napier calculated no logarithms of numbers, and, as already stated, the logarithms invented by him were not to base e.
The analogy of this to the manner in which the Egyptian hieroglyphs passed into phonetic signs is remarkable, and writing might have been invented anew in Mexico had it not been for the Spanish conquest.
C. Lister (Lord Masham) introduced the silk and velvet manufacture, having invented a process of manipulating silk waste, whereby what was previously treated as refuse is made into goods that will compete with those manufactured from the perfect cocoon.
According to the Fihrist, Mani made use of the Persian and Syriac languages; but, like the Oriental Marcionites before him, he invented an alphabet of his own, which the Fihrist has handed down to us.
The Cycle, Though Probably Not Invented Before The Time Of The Council Of Nicaea, Is Regarded As Having Commenced Nine Years Before The Era, So That The Year One Was The Tenth Of The Solar Cycle.
Such is the very complicated and artificial, though highly ingenious method, invented by Lilius, for the determination of Easter and the other movable feasts.
Appended to the London edition of the solar and lunar tables are two short tracts - the one on determining longitude by lunar distances, together with a description of the repeating circle (invented by Mayer in 1752), the other on a formula for atmospheric refraction, which applies a remarkably accurate correction for temperature.
Therefore, when gill drawing machinery was invented, the cutting of silk into short fibres ceased, and long silks are now prepared for spinning on what is known as " long spinning process."
The whole have now become blended by the adoption of a common language, but remain tribally distinct; all alike have accepted Islam, and have invented traditions of common descent which express their present association.
They were invented by Gauss to facilitate the computation of elliptic integrals.
The earliest African tradition, on the other hand, preserved by Tertullian l (De pudicitia, c. 20), but certainly not invented by him, ascribed the epistle to Barnabas.
He was president of the Chemical Society in 1897, and of the British Association in 1902, served on the Balfour Commission on London Water Supply (1893-1894), and as a member of the Committee on Explosives (1888-1891) invented cordite jointly with Sir Frederick Abel.
A museum containing compasses of various types invented during the 19th century is attached to the Compass Observatory at Deptford.
The first liquid compass used in England was invented by Francis Crow, of Faversham, in 1813.
Several kinds of deflector have been invented, that of Lord Kelvin (Sir William Thomson) being the simplest, but Dr Waghorn's is also very effective.
From this passage arose a legend, which took shape only in the 17th century, that the compass was invented in the year 1302 by a person to whom was given the fictitious name of Flavio Gioja, of Amalfi.
The former was probably the older word, and may be traced to 40tvos = " blood-red "; the Canaanite sailors were spoken of as the " red men " on account of their sunburnt skin; then the land from which they came was called after them; and then probably the original connexion between Ioivt and 40tvos was forgotten, and new forms and meanings were invented.
He invented various cakes and sauces, and is said to have written on cookery.
In order to avoid the uncertainty arising from the lack of vowels to distinguish forms consisting of the same consonants (for the vowel-points were not yet invented), the aramaising use of the reflexive conjugations (Hithpa`el, Nithpa`el) for the internal passives (Pu'al, Hoph`al) became common; particles were used to express the genitive and other relations, and in general there was an endeavour to avoid the obscurities of a purely consonantal writing.
Deville accordingly returned to pure chemistry and invented a practicable method of preparing sodium which, having a lower atomic weight than potassium, reduced a larger proportion.
Seeing that sodium was the only possible reducing agent, he set himself to cheapen its cost, and deliberately rejecting sodium carbonate for the more expensive sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and replacing carbon by a mixture of iron and carbon - the so-called carbide of iron - he invented the highly scientific method of winning the alkali metal which has remained in existence almost to the present day.
The tale was probably invented by the annalists to excuse the cruel treatment of the Carthaginian prisoners by the Romans.
The pamphlet is supposed to have been written by Chrysostomus Dudulaeus of Westphalia and printed by one Christoff Crutzer, but as no such author or printer is known at this time - the latter name indeed refers directly to the legend - it has been conjectured that the whole story is a myth invented to support the Protestant contention of a continuous witness to the truth of Holy Writ in the person of this "eternal" Jew; he was to form, in his way, a counterpart to the apostolic tradition of the Catholic Church.
In 1856 Bessemer not only invented his extraordinary process of making the heat developed by the rapid oxidation of the impurities in pig iron raise the temperature above the exalted melting-point of the resultant purified steel, but also made it widely known that this steel was a very valuable substance.
Sumerian presents a significant list of internal phonetic variations which would not have been possible in an arbitrarily invented language.
That authority cannot be implicitly relied on, though we need not conclude that the minstrel invented the stories he relates.
Probably the most successful one has been a rotary engine invented by Mr Arthur Rigg.1 In this engine the stroke, and therefore the amount of water used, can be varied either by hand or by a governor while it is running; the speed can also be varied, very high rates, as much as 600 revolutions a minute, being attainable without the question of shock or vibration becoming troublesome.
Gunpowder had not yet been invented.
Mechain in the attempt to determine an arc of the meridian, and the greater number of the instruments employed in the task were invented by him.
Her poems were arranged in nine books, on what principle is uncertain; she is said to have sung them to the Mixo-Lydian mode, which she herself invented.
Machinery was invented for disintegrating the leaves and freeing the fibre, and at the same time experiments were made with the view of obtaining it by water-retting, and by means of alkaline solutions and other chemical agencies.
Strabo states that he discovered that the solar year is longer than 365 days by 6 hours; Vitruvius that he invented a sun-dial.
The system has received considerable development in Germany, where the elaborate method invented by Petersen is recommended by many agricultural authorities.
He learned practical engineering at Middlesborough-on-Tees, and about 1850 invented a mechanical system for the drainage of land.
Jung invented or gave precision to many technical terms which Ray and others at once made use of in their descriptions, and which are now classical; and his notions of what constitutes a specific distinction and what characters are valueless as such seem to have been adopted with little change by Ray.
These gods were together known as the great Ennead or cycle of A second series of nine deities, with Horus as its first iber, was invented at the same time or not long afterwards, was called the Lesser Ennead.
He appears to have invented the fiction which afterwards was repeatedly employed, by which the money spent on mosque-building was supposed to have been furnished by discoveries of buried treasure.
Thus he invented nets for catching wolves and built innumerable water-mills, " for he would not let the waters run into the sea before they had been of use to the community."
The art of printing had been invented in good time to help and hasten the new movement of men's minds.
She invented and discussed the curve known as the "witch of Agnesi" (q.v.) or versiera.
For the mainland cultures a new term " Helladic " has lately been invented, and three chronological divisions, Early, Middle and Late Helladic, are proposed to correspond with the parallel Cycladic and Minoan periods.
Meanwhile the Cavalier party invented a system of heavily fining men who had been their opponents in the troubles.
Some or all of them may also have been invented.
While Theseus was in Crete, Minos, 1 The story of Theseus is a strange mixture of (mostly fictitious) political tradition, of aetiological myths invented to explain misunderstood acts of ritual and of a cycle of tales of adventure analogous to the story of the labours of Heracles.
Lothian, May 26 1848 and was educated at University College school, London, passing on to University College, whence he subsequently graduated B.Sc. with honours in chemistry in 1868-9, but before doing so he entered his father's works and there invented a method of testing condensers, afterwards widely accepted.
In 1875 he invented the duplex plan for working Atlantic cables described in 26.518.
Budapest is actually one of the greatest milling centres in the world, possessing a number of magnificent establishments, fitted with machinery invented and manufactured in the city.
In the 18th century the ability of certain natives of the town greatly fostered its cotton industry; thus James Hargreaves here probably invented his spinning jenny about 1764, though the operatives, fearing a reduction of labour, would have none of it, and forced him to quit the town for Nottingham.
Foucault invented in 1857 the polarizer which bears his name, and in the succeeding year devised a method of giving to the speculum of reflecting telescopes the form of a spheroid or a paraboloid of revolution.
He fasted and scourged himself; he practised all the ordinary forms of maceration and invented new ones, all to no purpose.
Peaucellier's discovery of the straight line link motion associated with his name, and he also invented the skew pentagraph.
The first protestant missionaries (those under the London Society for the Promotion of Christianity among the Jews), settled in Jerusalem in 1823; to them is due the inception of the trade in olive-wood articles, invented for the support of their converts.
As regards his military system, Akbar invented a sort of feudal organization, by which every tributary raja took his place by the side of his own Mogul nobles.
Further, on the 15th December of the same year they examined an instrument invented by Lippershey at their request to see with both eyes, and gave him orders to execute two similar instruments at goo florins each; but, as many other persons had knowledge of this new invention to see at a distance, they did not deem it expedient to grant him an exclusive privilege to sell such instruments.
The conclusion is that Lippershey was the first person who independently invented the telescope, and at the same time made the instrument known to the world.
Galileo, in his Nuncius Sidereus, states that, happening to be in Venice about the month of May 1609, he heard that a Belgian had invented a perspective instrument by means of which distant objects appeared nearer and larger,.
Galileo may thus claim to have invented the telescope independently, but not till he had heard that others had done so.
That a phrase of so wide and loose a nature should have been stereotyped in so narrow a sense is simply the outcome of the conditions under which it was invented.
The only merits, therefore, which can be claimed for Cicero are that he invented a philosophical terminology for the Romans, and that he produced a series of manuals which from their beauty of style have had enduring influence upon mankind.
It is, therefore, obvious that he invented the readings in order to strengthen his own corrections.
The style of Diphilus was simple and natural, and his language on the whole good Attic; he paid great attention to versification, and was supposed to have invented a peculiar kind of metre.
There had been a very marked diminution in crime, attributable it was supposed to this system, which was in almost all respects the same as the English, although the Irish authorities had invented an "intermediate stage" in which convicts worked in a state of semi-freedom and thus practised the self-reliance which in many produced reform.
Prison labour has found an outlet, therefore, in such work as service blanket making, hammock making, mail-bag making, the manufacture of cartridge cases, flags, chopping firewood for barracks and so on, having been diverted almost entirely from mat-making, once an exclusive prison trade originally invented indeed by prison task-masters.
The evidence is quite conclusive; yet the fire has been imputed to the Syrians, and a tale was invented about ballistas which hurled against the House of God enormous stones and vessels full of bitumen.
If, contrary to usage, we choose to call the latter a judgment of existence, there is no use in quarrelling about words; but we must insist that new terms must in that case be invented to express so fundamental a difference as that between judgments about real men and judgments about ideal centaurs.
Erdmann, again, has invented an induction from particular predicates to a totality of predicates which he calls " erganzende Induction, " giving as an example, " This body has the colour, extensibility and specific gravity of magnesium; therefore it is magnesium."
Grassmann made in 1854 a somewhat savage onslaught on Cauchy and De St Venant, the former of whom had invented, while the latter had exemplified in application, the system of " clefs algebriques," which is almost precisely 1 Die Ausdehnungslehre, Leipsic, 1844; 2nd ed., vollstandig and in strenger Form bearbeitet, Berlin, 1862.1862.
Here a false report was received, or invented, of the death of Constantine, at that time absent on the Rhine.
The modern theory of the relations between the sovereign and the parties, by which the former identifies himself with the faction for the time in power while maintaining his detachment from all, had not then been invented; and Anne, like her Hanoverian successors, maintained the struggle, though without success, to rule independently, finding support in Harley.
According to Bacon he was a recluse who devoted himself to the study of nature, was able to work metals, invented armour and assisted St Louis in one of his expeditions more than his whole army.
On the west of the Aegean a new symbol was invented for the aspirate value, and this spread over the mainland and was carried by emigrants to Rhodes, Sicily and Italy.
The symbol Iwas invented for the open i-sound and close e-sound.'
Hooke invented the making of the fronts of teeth in a series of steps with a view to increase the smoothness of action.
He also invented, with the same object, teeth whose fronts, instead of being parallel to the line of contact of the pitch-circles, cross it obliquely, so as to be of a screw-like or helical form.
Schiele has invented a pivot which preserves its original figure by wearing equally at all points in a direction parallel to its axis.
Statuary is later; it appears to have come into existence in the 7th century, about the time when casting in metal was invented by Rhoecus of Samos.
The cemetery was naturally associated with the legend of St Ursula; and, this identification once accepted, it is not unlikely that when more careful investigations revealed male skeletons and tombstones bearing the names of men, other and more definite epitaphs were invented to reconcile the old traditions with the facts of such a damaging discovery.
In Sicyon also the art of painting was supposed to have been "invented."
He had resolved some time before never to obtain another slave, and "wished from his soul" that Virginia could be persuaded to abolish slavery; "it might prevent much future mischief"; but the unprecedented profitableness of the cotton industry, under the impetus of the recently invented cotton gin, had already begun to change public sentiment regarding slavery, and Washington was too old to attempt further innovations.
In his brazen bull, invented, it is said, by Perillus of Athens, the tyrant's victims were shut up and, a fire being kindled beneath, were roasted alive, while their shrieks represented the bellowing of the bull.
This work to an important extent prepared the way for the "smokeless powders" which came into general use towards the end of the 19th century; cordite, the particular form adopted by the British government in 1891, was invented jointly by him and Professor James Dewar.
He invented the term " electrotonic state " to signify the total magnetic flux due to a conductor conveying a current, which was linked with any secondary circuit in the field or even with itself.
In addition to this he provided the means for studying the phenomena not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, by the profoundly ingenious instruments he invented for that purpose.
It has been already mentioned that Schweigger invented in 1820 the " multiplier," and Nobili in 1825 the astatic galvanometer.
In 1867 he invented his beautiful siphon-recorder for receiving and recording the signals through long cables.
In 1860 Dr Antonio Pacinotti invented what is now called the toothed ring winding for armatures and described it in an Italian journal, but it attracted little notice until reinvented in 1870 by Gramme.
In 1876, Paul Jablochkov (1847-1894), a Russian officer, passing through Paris, invented his famous electric candle, consisting of two rods of carbon placed side by side and separated from one another by an insulating material.
Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 invented the speaking telephone, and Edison and Elisha Gray in the United States followed almost immediately with other telephonic inventions for electrically transmitting speech.
Hughes in England invented the microphone.
He invented for this purpose a radiator consisting of two metal rods placed in one line, their inner ends being provided with poles nearly touching and their outer ends with metal plates.
Rutherford invented a magnetic detector depending on the power of electric oscillations to demagnetize iron or steel.
It was first invented, he believes, before the Trojan war, by a Sidonian thinker named Moschus or Mochus, who is identical with the Moses of the Old Testament.
In the early part of the 9th century much attention was bestowed, especially in Ireland, on a process invented by Mr James Lee.
It is a good specimen of the religious novel, a form of literature invented by the Jews.
He invented a system of shorthand (2nd ed., with a copy of verses by Joseph Priestley) .
To supply it with recruits he invented his famous system of classes, by which each seaman, according to the class in which he was placed, gave six months' service every three or four or five years.
He also invented a device which allowed the bed on which the type pages were placed to run in and out more readily, thus reducing the great labour involved in that part of the work of the older form of press, and he also used a new kind of iron lever or handle to turn the screw which applied the necessary pressure.
The most successful of these were the Albion and Columbian presses, the former of English manufacture, and the latter invented (1816) by an American, George Clymer (1754-1834), of Philadelphia.
Bullock (1813-1867) of Philadelphia who in 1865 invented the first machine to print from a continuous web of paper.
But many automatic feeders have been invented from time to time, which for the many purposes for which they are suitable must be reckoned part of a modern printing establishment.
About 1870 an English rotary machine called the " Victory " was invented by Messrs Duncan & Wilson.
This attitude, no doubt, explains his hatred for Chilperic. But if Gregory's historical judgments are suspect, he at least concealed nothing and invented nothing; and we can correct his judgments by his own narrative.
He taught, if he did not discover, the obliquity of the ecliptic, is said to have introduced into Greece the gnomon (for determining the solstices) and the sundial, and to have invented some kind of geographical map. But his reputation is due mainly to his work on nature, few words of which remain.
The more important picric powders are melinite, believed to be a mixture of fused picric acid and gun-cotton; lyddite, the British service explosive, and shimose, the Japanese powder, both supposed to be identical with the original melinite; Brugere's powder, a mixture of 54 parts of ammonium picrate and 45 parts of saltpetre; Designolle's powder, composed of potassium picrate, saltpetre and charcoal; and emmensite, invented by Stephen Emmens, of the United States.
The orders of the court were issued in a very simple form of the cuneiform script, probably invented by the Medes.
After the insurrection of 1865, he created a special bulwark for his defence, and invented that secret police which grew into the notorious "Third Section" of the emperor's own chancery, and while it lasted, was the most dreaded power in the empire.
Under his hand the most trifling subjects gained a new importance; yet he treated the gravest with a touch so light that he seemed to have invented the sciences rather than learnt them, for he was always a creator, always original, and himself was imitable of none."
He also invented an improved form of hygrometer, a description of which, together with accounts of various observations and experiments made by him, was published in the Phil.
His Corinthian descent, invented by the Greeks to establish a close connexion with Rome, is impossible for chronological reasons; further, according to the genuine Roman tradition, the Tarquinii were of Etruscan, not Greek, origin.
Probably Pitt did say something of the kind attributed to him, though even this is by no means certain in view of Johnson's repentant admission that he had often invented not merely the form, but the substance of entire debates.
He dwells much more pronouncedly than Herbert on the view, afterwards regarded as a special characteristic of all deists, that much or most error in religion has been invented or knowingly maintained by sagacious men for the easier maintenance of good government, or in the interests of themselves and their class.
Thumi Sambhota accordingly invented an alphabet for the Tibetan language on the model of the Indian alphabets then in use.
Pedigrees were invented, imaginary consulships and fictitious triumphs inserted, and family traditions and family honours were formally incorporated with the history of the state.
All these texts are written in a special character, which is said to have been invented by Wulfila.
The machinery of research, invented by the genius of men like Mabillon, was perfected and set going in all the archives of Europe.
Wenham, thinking to improve upon Henson, invented in 1866 what he designated his aeroplanes.'
But in its technical sense the word is used to describe what the Greek philosophers invented, and what the noblest of them lifted to the extreme refinement of an art.
This book, in the writing which Zartusht invented and which the Magi called the writing of religion, was written on 12,000 cowhides, bound together by golden bands.
The ill-chosen name of Caucasian, invented by Blumenbach in allusion to a South Caucasian skull of specially typical proportions, and applied by him to the so-called white races, is still current; it brings into one race peoples such as the Arabs and Swedes, although these are scarcely less different than the Americans and Malays, who are set down as two distinct races.
Here, too, are the plants of the Westinghouse Company for the manufacture of electrical apparatus, of air brakes invented by George Westinghouse (born 1846), and of devices for railway signals which he also invented.
To the odd terminology of Donne's poetic philosophy Dryden gave the name of "metaphysics," and Johnson, borrowing the suggestion, invented the title of the "metaphysical school" to describe, not Donne only, but all the amorous and philosophical poets who succeeded him, and who employed a similarly fantastic language, and who affected odd figurative inversions.
The pope, indeed, is said to have been delighted with Leonardo's minor experiments and ingenuities in science, and especially by a kind of zoological toys which he had invented by way of pastime, as well as mechanical tricks played upon living animals.
The spinning of flax by machinery was introduced early in the 19th century by 1VIr John Marshall, a Holbeck manufacturer, who was one of the first to apply Sir Richard Arkwright's water frame, invented for cotton manufacture, to the spinning of linen yarn.
In time, however, it was realized that iron by itself is not fire-proof, but requires to be protected by means of fire-resisting coverings; but as soon as satisfactory forms of these were invented their development progressed hand in hand with that of iron and steel forms and combinations.
He is said to have invented, or at least to have emphasized, the tripartition of philosophy under the heads of physic, dialectic and ethic.
He invented the spectroheliograph first used in 1892 for photographing solar prominences and won an international reputation for his solar and stellar spectroscopic work.
P. Langley in 18 93 at Mount Whitney in California (14,000 ft.), with the bolometer, an exceedingly sensitive instrument which he invented, and which enabled him to feel his way thermally over the whole spectrum, noting all the Constant.
From the labours of his pupil Miotto sprang that branch of the glass trade which is concerned with the imitation of gems. In the 15th century the first crystals were made, and in the 17th the various gradations of coloured and iridescent glass were invented, together with the composition called " aventurine "; the manufacture of beads is now a main branch of the trade.
At the commencement of his new career he enriched the academical collection with many memoirs, which excited a noble emulation between him and the Bernoullis, though this did not in any way affect their friendship. It was at this time that he carried the integral calculus to a higher degree of perfection, invented the calculation of sines, reduced analytical operations to a greater simplicity, and threw new light on nearly all parts of pure mathematics.
Tarpeia herself is a local divinity, the manner of whose death was suggested by the tumulus or shields on the spot devoted to her cult, a crime being invented to account for the supposed punishment.
It is most probable that she was invented at the time of the introduction of Asclepius, after the sufferings caused by the plague had directed special attention to sanitary matters.
It is to meet such cases that the greater number of automatic weigh - ing machines have been invented.
Formerly all such acid was made by boiling down the dilute acid, for which purpose a great variety of apparatus was invented.
He made windmills, water-clocks, kites and dials, and he is said to have invented a four-wheeled carriage which was to be moved by the rider.
At the meeting at which Newton was elected a description of a reflecting telescope which he had invented was read, and " it was ordered that a letter should be written by the secretary to Mr Newton to acquaint him of his election into the Society, and to thank him for the communication of his telescope, and to assure him that the Society would take care that all right should be done him with respect to this invention."
He also invented a reflecting sextant for observing the distance between the moon and the fixed stars, - the same in every essential as the instrument which is still in everyday use at sea under the name of Hadley's quadrant.
Up to the time of the publication of the Principia in 1687 the method of fluxions which had been invented by Newton, and had been of great assistance to him in his mathematical investigations, was still, except to Newton and his friends, a secret.
These are clearly aetiological, and invented to explain an existing custom, which the church had adopted from its pagan medium.
Penitentials or codes defined (even invented) different degrees of guilt, and assessed the liability involved much as if a sin gave rise to an action to recover damages.
Henry developed as far as he was able the system of scutage (q.v.) which his grandfather had apparently invented; by this the vassal compounded for his forty days personal service by paying money, with which the king could hire professional soldiers.
The Greek geometers invented other curves; in particular, the conchoid, which is the locus of a point such that its distance from a given line, measured along the line drawn through it to a fixed point, is constant; and the cissoid, which is the locus of a point such that its distance from a fixed point is always equal to the intercept (on the line through the fixed point) between a circle passing through the fixed point and the tangent to the circle at the point opposite to the fixed point.
So I took thought, and invented what I conceived to be the appropriate title of ' agnostic.'
Occasionally he too mis-stated the meaning of the word he had invented, and described agnosticism as meaning "that a man shall not say he knows or believes what he has no scientific ground for professing to know or believe."
Among the innovations of this poet we may note a predilection for new metres, sometimes adopted from foreign languages, sometimes invented by himself, a thing practised rarely and generally with small success by the Icelandic poets.
An aetiological myth is one which is regarded as having been invented ex post facto to explain some fact, name or coincidence, the true account or origin of which has been forgotten.
The comparison of the will unable to act between two equally balanced motives to an ass dying of hunger between two equal and equidistant bundles of hay is not found in his works, and may have been invented by his opponents to ridicule his determinism.
Having invented four arguments all immeasurably subtle and profound, the grossness of subsequent philosophers pronounced him to be a mere ingenious juggler, and his arguments to be one and all sophisms. After two thousand years of continual refutation, these sophisms were reinstated, and made the foundation of a mathematical renaissance, by a German professor, who probably never dreamed of any connexion between himself and Zeno.
The Malagasy had never invented for themselves a written character, and had consequently no manuscripts, inscriptions or books, until their language was reduced to writing, and its orthography settled by English missionaries.
Of this class an example is "Babbitt's metal," invented by Isaac Babbitt (1799-1862); it originally consisted of 24 parts of tin, 8 parts of antimony and 4 parts of copper, but in later compositions for the same purpose the proportion of tin is often considerably higher.
The Altenburg peasants are industrious and prosperous; they are said to be avaricious, but to love pleasure, and to gamble for high stakes, especially at the card game of Skat, which many believe to have been invented here.
The Egyptians invented an explanation - itself a myth - that in some moment of danger the gods concealed themselves from their foes in the shapes of animals.'
Maui slew monsters, invented barbs for fish-hooks, frequently adopted the form of various birds, acted as Prometheus Purphoros the fire-stealer, drew a whole island up from the bottom of the deep; he was a great sorcerer and magician.
They therefore invented or adapted the " swallow-myth " so familiar to Bushmen and Australians.
As a soldier Tarnowski invented a new system of tactics which greatly increased the mobility and the security of the armed camps within which the Poles had so often to encounter the Tatars.
Another group of polyhedra are termed the " Archimedean solids," named after Archimedes, who, according to Pappus, invented them.
He seems, in addition, to have compromised his position with the grandducal family by the imprudent candour with which he condemned a machine for clearing the port of Leghorn, invented by Giovanni de' Medici, an illegitimate son of Cosmo I.
His researches with the telescope had been rewarded 1 The word telescope, from riiXe, far, to view, was invented by Demiscianus, an eminent Greek scholar, at the request of Prince Cesi, president of the Lyncean Academy.
This method, on which he laid great stress, and for the facilitation of which he invented a binocular glass, and devised some skilful mechanical contrivances, was offered by him in 1616 to the Spanish government, and afterwards to that of Tuscany, but in each case unsuccessfully; and the close of his life was occupied with prolonged but fruitless negotiations on the same subject with the states-general of Holland.
It was invented by Auguste Comte and adopted by the English positivists as a convenient antithesis to egoism.
Seebeck (1822), employing a galvanometer then recently invented, which was more suited for the detection of small electromotive forces, found that a current was produced if the junctions of the two metals were at different temperatures.
The forged letters are not, for the most part, entirely composed of fresh material; the author draws his inspiration from the notices on each of the popes given in the Liber Pontificalis; he inserts whole passages from ecclesiastical writers; and he antedates the evidences of a discipline which actually existed; so it is by no means all invented.
In later times Christian ecclesiastical writers, finding it difficult to justify the unbroken prosperity of the wicked to an age which believed in the judgment of God and trial by combat, invented a final defeat for Mansur at Calatanaxor.
He invented, and, with the assistance of his sons, Philo (1816-1889), Samuel and Eliphalet, improved the famous Remington rifle, which was adopted by several European governments, and was supplied in large numbers to the United States army.
Reichstag were often very unsatisfactory, and at no time did he resort so freely to prosecutions in the law-courts in order to injure his opponents, so that the expression Bismarck-Beleidigung was invented.
Gunpowder, too, was invented; and now that the weight of the cavalry soldier was diminished by the substitution of lighter armour, a quicker and better bred horse was thought desirable for military service.
Convex glass lenses were first generally used to assist ordinary vision as " spectacles "; and not only were spectacle-makers the first to produce glass magnifiers (or simple microscopes), but by them also the telescope and the compound microscope were first invented.
About 2500 guests were received in the university buildings, the library of which was devoted to an exhibition of the instruments invented by Lord Kelvin, together with his certificates, diplomas and medals.
As early as the 8th century Ionic Greek had invented a separate symbol for the long o-sound, viz.
The Dutch or stamper press, invented in Holland in the 17th century, was up to the early years of the 19th century almost exclusively employed in Europe for pressing oil-seeds.
Since then the hydraulic press has practically completely superseded all other appliances used for expression, and in consequence of this epoch-making invention, assisted as it was later on by the accumulator - invented by William George (later Lord) Armstrong in 1843 - the seed-crushing industry reached a perfection of mechanical detail which soon secured its supremacy for England.
In many cases the purification by means of sulphuric acid, invented and patented by Charles Gower in 1792 (frequently ascribed to Thenard), is still usefully applied.
Wilson developed the sewing machine; that Charles Goodyear discovered the process of vulcanising rubber; that Samuel Colt began the manufacture of the Colt fire-arms; and it was from near New Haven that Eli Whitney went to Georgia where he invented the cotton gin.
He invented an electric torpedo for harbour defence, and in 1862 was ordered to England to purchase torpedo material, &c. Here he took active part in organizing a petition for peace to the American people, which was unsuccessful.
The first binocular microscope was invented by the previously mentioned Father.
I invented a tale on the fly about writing a magazine article about some of the more humorous entries.
It was the antithesis of accountable parliamentary democracy invented by the British over 700 years ago.
The first method invented was a chemical solvent method using either methylene chloride or ethyl acetate.
They also invented another acronym (VED) (Extraterrestrial Manned Vehicle) and the typist obliged.
Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi (born 1201) invented the linear astrolabe.
He invented the coin lock as used in pay toilets, several proportionally spaced typewriters and he built numerous automata.
It is named after the Italian physicist who invented the mercury barometer in 1643.
Between 1725 and 1750, a London optician designed the first temple spectacles, while Ben Franklin invented bifocals.
He was cashiered after one year when his wife bragged on the Internet that David invented the " axis-of-evil " phrase.
People had better be glad that the Scots lived there instead of the soul brothers or golf would never have been invented.
This shape is called a buckyball after Richard Buckminster Fuller, who invented the geodesic dome.
Atwater Benedict (1903) invented a respiration chamber to perform direct & indirect calorimetry.
Return to the top of the page 1876 carpet sweeper invented The first carpet sweeper was invented by Bissell.
Born at Foulby in Yorkshire, this English horologist invented the first practical marine chronometer.
Show all The first chronometer was invented by.. .
This is the series that invented the season cliffhanger and left the world guessing Who Shot JR?
All sorts of theories have been invented to explain this remarkable coincidence.
Europe - you stifled the voice of God, and so you invented the concentration camp and the Atom Bomb.
Large trees were often moved, using various contraptions invented for the purpose.
When they invented cubism it permanently changed the way the world saw reality and for the better.
Among his students was the now deceased well-known American photographer Nathan Lerner, who in 1938 invented the Light Box [14] .
The Victorians invented miniature dustpans & brushes to clean up the crumbs between courses; well Crumb Pets are the 21st century fun version.
Alfred Nobel Nobel, who invented dynamite, endowed a $ 9 million fund in his will.
He invented a steam turbine engine to drive a dynamo to generate electricity.
By the time they were fully emancipated by their European host nations, they invented Zionism.
He claimed to have invented the process of mezzotint, a method of copperplate engraving.
Invented the cylindrical balance spring and the detached detent escapement (1782 ).
Someone had invented a new interpretation, differing from the almost universal exegesis as taught by the leading expositors of different Protestant bodies.
This week's awards The man who invented the zip fastener was today honored with a life peerage.
Renowned as the band that invented British folk-rock, Fairport formed in 1967 and in 2002 won the BBC Radio 2 Lifetime Achievement Award.
The newly invented Windsor family managed to survive the family fracas of 1914-18.
Maybe you've written a book or invented a new gadget to sell.
What did our ancestors do before hi-tech gadgetry was invented?
The large gash in her hull was repaired by means of a wooden " scow " invented by the New York engineer Edward Renwick.
They invented a new genre called The Beta band.
Using the techniques of fractal geometry, which he himself invented, Mandelbrot believes he has finally realized his ambition.
It is meaningless gibberish invented by Trudeau and his cabinet.
As part of geodesic surveying work he invented the heliotrope.
If this was the first hydroponics technique that was invented we would possibly not have hydroponics technique that was invented we would possibly not have hydroponics as we do today.
Please note that cell division, far from being invented by the genetic engineer, invented by the genetic engineer, invented the genetic engineer himself.
English aviation engineer and pilot who invented the jet engine.
Homework Once the children come home, Dad supervises the homework, using logarithms invented by John Napier of Edinburgh.
The modern day guitar was invented in Spain, when a sixth string was added to the Arab lute.
He immediately killed a tortoise and, hollowing out its shell for a sounding board, invented the lyre.
They are works of art; invented not mimetic.
They found he had invented and suppressed evidence for decades, deliberately mistranslated some documents and selectively quoted from others.
Bathing machines were invented to protect the modesty of female bathers at a time before'mixed bathing ' was acceptable.
English muffins weren't invented in England or french fries in France.
Instead the actors become part of a real crew and the invented mythology partly takes shape in the real world.
Tolkien created a new mythology in an invented world which has proved timeless in its appeal.
Or do you think you've invented something unique and you want to protect it before anyone else nabs it?
End of the year ever invented in today virtually obliterated capacity increase over.
He invented the octant in 1731 and patented it in 1734.
In it he invented a new persona for the devil, endowing him with courtly manners.
They literally invented the first practical stereo phono cartridge.
Music machine American Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, and made a recording of the nursery rhyme " Mary had a little lamb.
The testbed is the ultimate research playground, state-of-the-art technology and building on all the things we've invented before.
The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented.
An ice climbing tool called the pterodactyl was invented in Glen Coe.
In 1669 he invented the Roberval balance which is now almost universally used for weighing scales of the balance type.
He was terribly seasick, and so he invented this boat in which you could not be seasick.
In the following few seconds I think Richard invented a new sport; climbing wall running!
The first Professor of Engineering was James Alfred Ewing, a native Dundonian who invented the continuous seismograph.
A novel approach invented and demonstrated by the group is to use sideband filtering technique for an externally phase modulated signal.
Many secondary-school teachers would surely agree with him that the emphasis on invented spelling has gone too far in primary schools.
The house in which Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule.
They also invented ' stealth ' taxes, only they were so stealthy, no-one realized they were actually being taxed.
This method, called tachistoscope, was originally invented to help the human brain improve accuracy and speed of taking in and retaining information.
Like Tantrix, it was invented in New Zealand and uses wonderfully tactile Bakelite tiles.
Was that in your silent period, or had talkies been invented by then?
In order to continue searching for the term who invented the telegraph, visiting Connected Earth's website is likely to help you.
He invented a differential thermometer, a hygrometer and a photometer, and wrote An Experimental Inquiry into Heat in 1804.
Students learn who wrote the first computer program, who discovered pulsars, who invented radial tires, science puzzles and much more!
Paul had virtually invented the divine trinity, the third aspect of which was the Holy Ghost.
Dominoes are thought to have been invented in China, the exact date unknown.
So big in fact, that he ca n't untangle which parts of his past are truth, and which he has invented.
The man who invented the bagless vacuum cleaner is taking himself off to escape an institution he feels has lost it's way.
While languishing at his estates at Kelston near Bristol and awaiting a return to royal favor, he invented the first water closet.
Then there's the controversy over who invented the square watermelon.
To suppose that all mythical stories are fables invented by the philosophers is to write history backwards avid confound the instinctive, impersonal, poetic wisdom of the earliest times with the civilized, rational and abstract occult wisdom of our own day.
Hermagoras devoted himself particularly to the branch of rhetoric known as oixovoyla (inventio), and is said to have invented the doctrine of the four QTavaaS (status) and to have arranged the parts of an oration differently from his predecessors.
The resulting surface is usually duller and less lustrous than that obtained by the use of molten zinc. Another method of forming a coating of zinc, known as "sherardizing," was invented by Sherard CowperColes, who found that metals embedded in zinc dust (a product obtained in zinc manufacture and consisting of metallic zinc mixed with a certain amount of zinc oxide) and heated to temperatures well below the melting point of zinc, become coated with a layer of that metal.
The water-screw which he invented (see below) was probably devised in Egypt for the purpose of irrigating fields.
A great occasion was invented.
These treatises were probably composed before Napier had invented the logarithms or any of the apparatuses described in the Rabdologia; for they contain no allusion to the principle of logarithms, even where we should expect to find such a reference, and the one solitary sentence where the Rabdologia is mentioned ("sive omnium facillime per ossa Rhabdologiae nostrae") was probably added afterwards.
Apart from the interest attaching to these manuscripts as the work of Napier, they possess an independent value as affording evidence of the exact state of his algebraical knowledge at the time when logarithms were invented.
The very phrase 'Xcboaais XaX€Zv, "to speak with tongues," was not invented by the New Testament writers, but borrowed from ordinary speech.
This doctrine, which had been invented by the Slavophils of a previous generation, was early instilled into the mind of Alexander III.
After the Conquest the road was included in the list of four Royal Roads which the Norman lawyers recorded or invented (see ERMINE STREET).
To express the change phrases were invented which have come into general use, though involving a certain contradiction in terms, viz.
The first considerable improvement in the practice of that period was introduced by Jethro Tull, a gentleman of Berkshire, who about the year 1701 invented the drill, and whose Horse- 1 Chalmers' Caledonia, vol.
He early directed his researches to the velocity of light and while in Cleveland invented his interferometer (see 14.693), which enabled him to measure distances by means of the length of light-waves.
Convex spectacles were invented (see Light) towards the end of the 13th century, perhaps by Roger Bacon.
Balzac said of him that he " invented the lightning-rod, the hoax (` le canard ') and the republic."
He was one of the early founders of the theory of determinants; in particular, he invented the functional determinant formed of the n 2 differential coefficients of n given functions of n independent variables, which now bears his name (Jacobian), and which has played an important part in many analytical investigations (see Algebraic Forms).
Secondly, when it was proposed to admonish them from the Holy Scriptures they said, ` It beseems no one but the pope to interpret the Scriptures,' and, thirdly, when they were threatened with a council, they invented the idea that no one but the pope can call a council.
He also invented the loom for the weaving of wire-cloth.
Lissajous also obtained the figures by aid of the vibration microscope, an instrument which he invented.
The text of the Old 'Testament consists of consonants only, for the alphabet of the ancient Hebrews, like that of their Moabite, Aramaean and Phoenician neighbours, contained no vowels; the text of the interpretation consists of vowels and accents only - for vowel signs and accents had been invented by Jewish scholars between the 5th and 9th centuries A.D.; the text of the Old Testament -is complete in itself and intelligible, though ambiguous; but the text of the interpretation read by itself is unintelligible, and only becomes intelligible when read with the consonants (under, over, or in which they are inserted) of the text of the Old Testament.
The substantially Pauline character of the epistle, for all practical purposes, is to be granted upon either hypothesis, for the author or the editor strove not unsuccessfully, upon the whole, to reproduce the Pauline spirit and traditions The older notion that the personal data in Titus, or in the rest of the pastorals, were invented to lend verisimilitude to the writing must be given up. They are too circumstantial and artless to be the work of a writer idealizing or creating a situation.
From the inability of the savage in all ages and in all lands to comprehend death as a natural phenomenon, there results a tendency to personify death, and myths are invented to account for its origin.
It is quite conceivable that the still earlier Sumerian priesthood invented the method of orthographic inversion, which after all is the very first device which suggests itself to the primitive mind when endeavouring to express itself in a manner out of the ordinary.
The Hallstatt culture is that of the Homeric Achaeans (see Achaeans), but as the brooch (along with iron, cremation of the dead, the round shield and the geometric ornament) passed down into Greece from central Europe, and as brooches are found in the lower town at Mycenae, 1350 B.C., they must have been invented long before that date in central Europe.
To support this new allegation, Arkwright's opponents brought forward, for the first time, Thomas Highs, or Hayes, a reed-maker at Bolton, who stated that he had invented a machine for spinning by rollers previously to 1768, and that he had employed the watchmaker Kay to make a model of that machine.
This educational system, invented by Griffith Jones and supported by the purse of Mrs Bevan, in 1760 numbered 215 schools, with a total number of 8687 contemporary scholars; and by the date of Jones's death in 1761 it has been proved that over 150,oco Welsh persons of every age and of either sex, nearly a third of the whole population of Wales at that time, were taught to read the Scriptures in their own language by means of these schools.
The gold-leaf electroscope invented by Abraham Bennet (see Electroscope) can in like manner, by the addition of a scale to observe the divergence of the gold-leaves, be made a repulsion electrometer.
He also made a special study of mill construction and fire prevention, and invented an improved cooking apparatus, called the "Aladdin oven."
The term "agnostic" was invented by Huxley in 1869 to describe the philosophical and religious attitude of those who hold that we can have scientific or real knowledge of phenomena only, and that so far as what may lie behind phenomena is concerned - God, immortality, &c. - there is no evidence which entitles us either to deny or affirm anything.
And this man was saying we were going to the moon in a rocket ship made of metals we hadn't even invented.
In 1879 a vaccine for cholera was invented.
That is why money was invented.
Have not men improved somewhat in punctuality since the railroad was invented?
Erasmus Darwin invented a device to copy drawings or writing in which two quill pens were fastened together.
At the trial someone uncannily resembling the faked photograph of the invented McCorkle leaps to his feet.
The early morning rostrum camera had not yet been invented.
In the following few seconds I think Richard invented a new sport; climbing wall running !
Vectors in sports In the 1950s a group of talented Brazilian footballers invented the swerving free kick.
In order to continue searching for the term who invented the telegraph, visiting Connected Earth 's website is likely to help you.
But please don't get heavy about it there are too many tetchy exchanges about who invented what.
Students learn who wrote the first computer program, who discovered pulsars, who invented radial tires, science puzzles and much more !
They were probably invented by somebody twanging the string of a hunting bow.
The man who invented the bagless vacuum cleaner is taking himself off to escape an institution he feels has lost it 's way.
Then there 's the controversy over who invented the square watermelon.
She invented Milkscreen so moms would be able to enjoy life's special occasions, but also continue breastfeeding with confidence.
Even after disposable diapers were invented, many moms chose to use cloth diapers because they believed they were better for their babies.
Invented in the southern United States, Mint Juleps made their grand entrance sometime during the 18th century.
During Prohibition, this drink, which looks just like a glass of iced tea, was invented to fool passersby into thinking patrons were enjoying a glass of Lipton.
In the early 1900s, the Singapore Sling was invented, as would be expected, in Singapore.
It was invented by Hans Peter Luhn, an IBM scientist, in the early 1950s.
Many people think the history of solar power begins with the panels and dishes invented in the late 1960s.
The easiest way to understand how do photovoltaic cells work is through reviewing how these devices were invented, and how the technology has advanced throughout the history of solar power.
The polymer was invented and produced by NatureWorks, LLC, which trademarked the eco-friendly material with the name Ingeo.
Kirsch in 1907, the same year he invented the flat curtain rod and the telescoping curtain rod.
Wrought iron was a commercially produced construction material until more effective methods of steel making were invented.
Airbrush makeup application came about after Dina Ousley, a Hollywood actress and makeup artist that was tired of mediocre results, invented it over a decade ago to help people on screen look more flattering.
Many passages of the Old Testament mention women wearing makeup, and it is believed that everything from foundation to eyeliner and blush to lipstick were all invented and worn by these ancient fashionistas.
If you're wondering who invented lip gloss, you'll find that a major American cosmetic manufacturer played a role in the birth of this slick and shiny cosmetic staple.
In 1932, the cosmetic house Max Factor invented the first commercially available lip gloss, known as X-Rated.
Who invented lip gloss and why may not be the most sought after question in the cosmetic world, but once a gal learns the roots of a trusty cosmetic product, it often pays to get nostalgic and track down the original formula.
He also has invented unique versions of common base makeup, such as his Water Canvas Foundation, which still has yet to meet its match from a competitor.
Now if there is one person who invented anything related to the Internet, then Robert Metcalfe is credited with creating Ethernet, used by any networked computer.
She invented the Internet server and also coined the terms "World Wide Web," "WWW" and "Email."
Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf invented the TCP protocol.
Even more famous is the rumor that Al Gore said he invented the Internet.
In all actuality, if he invented anything related to the Internet, he invented the term "Information Superhighway."
The modern core of digital imaging was first invented at Bell Labs in 1969.
Who invented the very first digital camera?
The printer uses the Zero Ink (ZINK) process, a technology invented and patented by Zink Imaging.
It is said that Irish coffee was invented in Limerick County in the 1940s.
I even invented the world's first and only vegan 100 percent raw organic Macaroni and Cheese!
I also invented the only raw organic baklava and many more amazing recipes you have to try.
Satin was originally made from silk and was invented in China.
In recent years, besides being an ordained minister, he invented the George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine in 1995.
Morton Minsky claimed that burlesque performer Mae Dix invented it when she removed the detachable collar and cuffs of her costume in full view of the audience in order to save on her cleaning bill.
Along with that, new ideas are invented each year to make your home safer and still attractive.
There was a need for an easier method than lying down and gluing large vinyl flooring sheets and so small square tiles were invented.
Carpet tiles were invented in the 1960s.
In the late 1960's, jewelry designer Marvin Wernick invented the first mood ring.
There are those who say that the Duke of Windsor invented the double Windsor tie knot, and those who say this is a complete myth, that it was only named after his distinctive knot.
Charles Bennett, who worked with a Chicago sporting goods business called Sharp and Smith, invented a unique accessory designed to support and protect the male genitalia during physical activity.
Invented in the 1950's using some experimental spinning techniques, the theory behind it is the production of fibers that measure less than one denier (a unit of thread measurement).
Part of this was necessary - pantyhose were not yet invented and so a woman needed at least a garter belt to hold up her stockings.
In the early 1900s, Lastex was invented and not long afterward the first bra was patented in 1914.
Carol Wior first invented and patented her unique swimsuit design in 1990.
In 1979, Dr. John Runckel invented Barracude swimming goggles and they've been quite popular with all types of swimmers since being introduced to the market.
An Italian monk from Pisa who also coined the term for eyeglasses, "occhiali," Giordano da Rivalto, called them the art of making spectacles "one of the most useful arts on earth" and claimed to have met the man who invented them.
However, there is evidence that suggests that Samuel Pierce invented them in 1775.
There is no one simple answer to the question of who invented eyeglasses.
He invented bifocal glasses, which are comprised of lenses to correct both conditions so one only needs to shift the angle of the eye to see clearly.
The modern progressive lens design was invented by Bernard Maitenaz in 1959.
Many people believe that Guitar Hero "invented" the plastic guitar and scrolling note genre of video games, but this isn't true.
Often called point and click adventures, these games were practically invented by Sierra On-Line with the King's Quest series.
The Odyssey was invented by Ralph Baer and released in 1972.
Gadd (from Luigi's Mansion fame) has invented a time machine powered by the mystical Cobalt Star!
Ralph Baer also invented the first commercial video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, in 1972.
Characters can be invented, storylines can be invented, and video game series can be invented.
Take a read below to see who invented what and the history that you may not have known.
Imagine if the person who invented video games called video games a "Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device".
If you want to be extremely technical, you can consider Higinbotham the first person who invented video games in arcade machine form.
Baer also invented the game Simon, which is still being addictively played today.
Nintendo was not the company who invented video games.
Because the Xbox is based on different technologies, no one individual invented the Xbox.
Some features of the Xbox are unique to the system and new developments can be considered discoveries, but to answer the question, "Who invented the Xbox?" requires you to find many people.
Any one of the above people could be the one who invented the Xbox, but they did it as a team.
They invented more efficient presses that extracted more juices from the grape, and also created better fermentation and storage techniques, which made the wine last longer and taste better.
Thomas Angove, a winemaker from Australia, invented boxed wine and patented it in 1965.
Although sewing machines were invented in 1790 they were not mass produced until over sixty years later.
The first postcards were invented as an easier way to send quick notes.
European travelers invented the crampon to help walk on the rough and snowy terrain in much of the northern part of the continent.
The Gore-Tex system, invented in 1978, uses a proprietary material that is fastened to the inside of the pants through a lamination method.
Technology is advancing faster by the day, so there's no saying what the next invented cellular phone may look like.
In fact, it's said that Dr. Martin Cooper invented cellular phones way back in April 1973.
From there, companies like Motorola and Samsung continued to create invented cellular phone after invented cellular phone, pushing the technology envelope further and further.
What invented cellular phone will they come up with next?
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The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of
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