Kombucha for Beginners: 12 Kombucha Recipes We Love (2025)

Kombucha is one of the most popular healthy drinks of today’s age, but along with all the hype, you may have noticed its high price tag. Sure, a $4 bottle of kombucha is fine every once in a while, but if you want to make this fermented tea drink part of your regular daily routine, making your own kombucha is the way to go. Kombucha has plenty of benefits from fostering your gut health to boosting your immune system. Ready to try making it yourself? We’ve rounded up 12 kombucha recipes and our best tips for making kombucha!

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented drink known for its detoxifying and energizing properties. Due to its great taste, it has become super popular with health conscious people who are looking for an alternative to processed fizzy drinks. Kombucha is made from either a green or black tea base, white sugar, cold filtered water, and SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). SCOBY is what helps transform sweet tea into the tangy, fizzy kombucha we all know and love. Kombucha is known to be amazing for gut health and has plenty of other health benefits too.

You can buy many different types and brands of kombucha from cafes or shops, but it will have the most benefits if you make it yourself. Many store-bought kombucha drinks are filled with extra sugar and other additives, so you’re not actually getting the good-for-you benefits. When making it yourself, make sure to be cautious and prepare it properly. Contaminated or over-fermented kombucha can lead to serious health problems, but as long as you follow the steps and recipes properly, making your own kombucha is a great way to reap all the health benefits the tasty drink has to offer!

What Are the Benefits of Kombucha?

1. It Can Help Your Gut Health
Just like any other food or drink that’s fermented, kombucha is packed with probiotics, aka, good gut bacteria. A healthy gut is important for so many reasons. It contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep and effective digestion. It wards off issues like diarrhea and IBS and helps our body function properly overall.

2. It Contains Antioxidants
Kombucha contains a good dose of antioxidants, which are beneficial to your health in numerous ways. They fight free radicals, which are reactive molecules that can damage your cells and lead to diseases like cancer. Since kombucha is made with tea, many of the benefits come from the tea itself, and this includes polyphenols.

Polyphenols act as strong antioxidants that decrease inflammation, which is the root source of many diseases and conditions. The fermentation process of kombucha increases the amount of polyphenols in the drink. When kombucha is made with green tea, the antioxidants are especially high, and they have positive effects on your liver.

3. It Kills Bacteria
During the fermentation of kombucha, acetic acid is produced, which is able to kill many harmful microorganisms. With such strong antibacterial properties, kombucha can fight against infection-causing bacteria and Candida yeasts. The organic acids found in kombucha, including acetic acid, glucuronic and D-Saccharic acids also promote detoxification by helping the liver get rid of undesired compounds that it has to process.

4. It Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease
Tea (especially of the green variety) protects “bad” LDL cholesterol particles from oxidation, which is thought to cause heart disease. Green tea drinkers have over 30% lower risk of developing heart disease, so if you make your kombucha with green tea, it will likely have the same effects.

5. It Helps You Cut Back on Sugary Drinks
Many people crave fizzy drinks like pop and sugary drinks such as juice, sports drinks and sweetened tea and coffee. When made properly, kombucha doesn’t contain too much sugar and is a great substitute to these sugar-filled drinks. Beverages are the number one source of added sugar and sugar is continuously proven to be worse and worse for your health, so the more you can cut it out, the better, and kombucha is a great alternative!

How to Make Kombucha [4 Tips]

1. Use the Right Type of Tea
As we mentioned above, kombucha is most commonly made with black and green tea. You may think you can substitute these teas with, say, white or yerba maté tea, but there’s a reason black and green tea are used. Black tea is especially ideal for making kombucha, since the SCOBY likes the tannins in the tea. Green tea also works, but there are not as many tannins, so a mix of black (85%) and green (15%) tea could be your best bet! Lower caffeine teas won’t activate the SCOBY on their own, and make sure not to use flavoured teas for the same reason- you can add flavour later!

2. Granulated White Sugar Works Best
Let us preface this by saying that there’s no need to worry about consuming tons of refined sugar when you drink your homemade kombucha. Although white, refined sugar works best for kombucha (it feeds the SCOBY and bumps up the fermentation process), by the time it’s ready to drink, most of the sugar has been eaten up by the SCOBY. Granulated white sugar is most easily digested by yeast and bacteria, so even though it sounds tempting, don’t substitute it with healthier alternatives like honey or maple syrup.

3. Let Your Kombucha Breathe
After you’ve combined the SCOBY, sugar and steeped tea (make sure your tea has cooled to room temperature so it doesn’t shock the SCOBY), place it in a wide mouth glass jar, like a mason jar, and cover it with a cheesecloth. This will keep dirt and bugs out, yet still allow your kombucha to breathe. Without ventilation, your kombucha won’t ferment, and you won’t get all the good-for-you benefits fermentation brings with it.

4. Master the Fermentation Time
You don’t want your kombucha to ferment for too long or too short. Taste your kombucha daily to monitor its progress. If it ferments for too long, you’ll end up with a funky, vinegar-tasting drink, but stop it too soon and you’ve pretty much made a sweet tea. The fermentation process will take anywhere from 7 days to a month, and the perfect tea will be a combination of tart, sweet and a faint taste of tea. Once you’ve got it just right, transfer it to a bottle with a tightly fitting lid for the second fermentation process, which takes 1-2 weeks. This allows for more carbonation to build up, and this is where you can add your flavourings like fresh fruit or herbs like mint.

12 Kombucha Recipes We Love

1. Kombucha Tea | Kitchn
2. Honey Lavender Kombucha | Bon Aippetit
3. Raspberry Lemon Ginger Kombucha | Kimbrough Daniels
4. Blueberry Vanilla Kombucha | The Wild Gut
5. Peach Kombucha | Thank Your Body
6. Strawberry Kombucha | Whole Natural Life
7. Lavender Kombucha | The Roasted Root
8. Hibiscus Kombucha | Wholeheart Nutrition
9. Peach Mint Kombucha | Fit Happy Free
10. Apple Cider Kombucha | The Roasted Root
11. Sunshine Kombucha with Turmeric, Ginger and Honey | The Bold Brewer
12. Pineapple Kombucha | Cooking Light

Ready to get started making your own kombucha at home? Try out these recipes for a healthy, delicious tea drink!

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Kombucha for Beginners: 12 Kombucha Recipes We Love (2025)


How much kombucha should a beginner drink? ›

Start with drinking a smaller portion of kombucha (12 ounces a day, or less) It is important to start with drinking small quantities to see how your body reacts to the beverage.

How to start kombucha for beginners? ›

The Methodology:
  1. Brew strong, unflavored black tea.
  2. Sweeten with unbleached cane sugar.
  3. Add SCOBY culture and starter liquid.
  4. Securely cover the top with cheesecloth or a dish towel.
  5. Leave to brew at room temperature for approximately one week.
  6. Strain out SCOBY, and store with 1 cup starter liquid for future batches.
Aug 28, 2023

How many tea bags for 1 gallon of kombucha? ›

Batch Size: To increase or decrease the amount of kombucha you make, maintain the basic ratio of 1 cup of sugar, 8 bags of tea, and 2 cups starter tea per gallon batch. One scoby will ferment any size batch, though larger batches may take longer.

How long does kombucha take to start working? ›

To brew kombucha, you have to go through two phases: 1st fermentation and 2nd fermentation. F1 typically takes around 7-12 days, though some people like to go longer. During that time, the sweet tea ferments and is transformed into kombucha by the starter tea and a kombucha culture (a SCOBY).

Who should not drink kombucha? ›

People with alcohol use disorder should avoid kombucha. Diarrhea: Kombucha contains caffeine. The caffeine in kombucha, especially when taken in large amounts, can worsen diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Kombucha contains caffeine.

When to drink kombucha, morning or night? ›

The truth is, there is no right or wrong time to drink kombucha. The best time depends on your desired outcome, and for that reason, there is no clear-cut answer. Kombucha can be enjoyed any time of day, from first thing in the morning to after a workout, or even after an indulgent late-night meal.

What is the best kombucha flavor for beginners? ›

To get started, we recommend selecting a flavor profile you typically enjoy. If you're a fan of tropical fruits, try SYNERGY Mystic Mango or SYNERGY Guava Goddess. For those who prefer more tart beverages, try SYNERGY Gingerade or SYNERGY Trilogy.

Do you need to shake kombucha before drinking? ›

SHOULD YOU SHAKE KOMBUCHA? You shouldn't need to shake it, but as it's a natural brewing process, if you do find any settled sediment then we suggest a gentle 180 degree tilt back and forth before opening.

What is the golden ratio for kombucha? ›

Lila's golden ratio is 1 cup of sugar per one gallon of kombucha. You can adjust it depending how much kombucha you are brewing.

Should you drink an entire bottle of kombucha in one sitting? ›

A good rule of thumb is to drink that amount of kombucha that makes YOU feel good! If you're new to kombucha, start small. No need to guzzle a whole bottle of Pink Lady Apple all at once (though we understand the temptation). Instead, try a 4 to 8 oz portion and see how you feel.

What if I don't have enough starter tea for my kombucha? ›

Can I make kombucha without a starter tea? A. Yes, you can use an equal portion of distilled white vinegar in place of starter tea. Alternatively you may use bottled raw, unflavored kombucha tea, which can be purchased at many health food and grocery stores.

Is it OK to drink kombucha every day? ›

How much kombucha is OK to drink? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that drinking approximately 4 ounces (oz) of kombucha per day “may not cause adverse effects in healthy persons.”

Does kombucha cleanse the gut? ›

Kombucha is a probiotic drink made from fermented tea that has become quite popular in recent years due to its great taste and many health benefits such as improved digestion and gut health, detoxification, and immune system strengthening.

Can I drink 16oz of kombucha everyday? ›

To reap the benefits of kombucha without consuming too many calories, limit your intake to one to two 8-ounce (240-ml) servings per day. It's important to note that most kombucha bottles contain two servings — 16 ounces or about 480 ml.

How much kombucha does it take to get buzzed? ›

But honestly at that point, the kombucha will likely be too vinegar-y and too fizzy to even be drinkable. And you'd have to drink about 10 bottles of the stuff to even feel a slight buzz. For what it's worth, kombucha is considered halal by the Muslim faith, which prohibits alcohol consumption.

How do you drink kombucha for the first time? ›

Start off drinking small amounts of kombucha.

It's best to start slow whenever you add something new to your diet, especially fermented items. Start with a few sips to get used to the flavor. The first few times you drink kombucha, stick to 3 or 4 fluid ounces (89 or 118 mL) or less 2 to 3 times per day.

Does kombucha actually help your gut? ›

Kombucha and digestion

Fermented products in general are good for the microbiome and gut health. Fermentation makes probiotics, which help with constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But there's not enough research to show how these probiotics work.


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