Migrants rattled, unsure as deportations begin under new asylum rule (2024)

Abigail Castillo was about to cross the U.S. border illegally when she heardPresident Joe Biden was halting asylum.She continued anyway, walking hours through the mountains east of San Diego with her toddler son, hoping it wasn't too late.

“I heard that they were going to do it or were about to do it,” Castillo, 35, said Wednesday as she and her son were escorted to a Border Patrol van with about two dozen others from Brazil, Ecuador and her village in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, which she said she left because it was gripped by violence.

They had missed the deadline and were now subject to the new deportation rule.

What You Need To Know

  • Migrants attempting to enter the U.S. through its border with Mexico are facing more uncertainty as they're subject to a new asylum rule

  • Biden issued the executive order to limit asylumprocessing when arrests for illegal crossings top 2,500 in a day. The measure took effect at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Wednesdaybecause that threshold was met

  • Migrants who express fear for their safety if they are deported will be screened by U.S. asylum officers but under a higher standard than what’s currently in place. If they pass, they can remain to pursue other forms of humanitarian protection

  • There are serious questions about whether the new measure can stop large-scale migrant entries

Her sense of uncertainty prevailed among many migrants afterBiden invoked presidential powersto stop asylum processing when arrests for illegal crossings top 2,500 in a day. The measure took effect at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Wednesdaybecause that threshold was met.

Two senior Homeland Security Department officials confirmed the first deportations under the new rule took place Wednesday, though they did not say how many were deported. The officials briefed reporters on condition their names not be used in keeping with regulations.

Sergio Franco, who clutched his baby girl after a nearly two-month journey from Ecuador with his family, walking through the perilous Darien jungle on the border between Colombia and Panama, said he was confident that he would prevail in his plea to find a safe haven in the United States.

“If we have evidence, there shouldn't be a problem,” he said as he got into the van with Castillo and the others.

As the group was driven away, several migrants from India walked up to the same dusty area near a gun shop in the town of Dulzura, one of several that have popped up over the last year in the remote rural outskirts of San Diego for migrants to surrender to Border Patrol agents. There was no water or restrooms and little shade.

Several Guatemalan women arrived later. Among them was Arelis Alonzo Lopez, who said she was nearly five months pregnant and had walked for two nights. A Border Patrol agent asked how she felt.

“I can't take any more,” she answered.

Asylum remains suspended until average daily arrests fall below 1,500 for a week straight. The last month that crossings were that low for that long was in July 2020, during the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Migrants who express fear for their safety if they are deported will be screened by U.S. asylum officers but under a higher standard than what’s currently in place. If they pass, they can remain to pursue other forms of humanitarian protection, including those laid out in the U.N. Convention Against Torture.

There are serious questions about whether the new measure can stop large-scale migrant entries. Mexico has agreed to take back migrants who are not Mexican, but only limited numbers and nationalities. And the Biden administration doesn’t have the money and diplomatic support it needs to deport migrants long distances, including to Ecuador and India.

In Matamoros, Mexico, across the border from Brownsville, Texas, Esmeralda Castro of El Salvador worried the asylum halt will drive more people to compete for the 1,450 slots awarded daily to enter legally through U.S. Customs and Border Protection's heavily oversubscribed online app, known as CBP One. Castro, 40, said she has tried for nine months for an appointment using the app.

“Imagine what’s going to happen with what they’ve done. The system is going to collapse again,” said Castro, speaking at a migrant camp near the banks of the Rio Grande where she has been living with about 10 others. The apphas become so overwhelmedat times that users got error messages and experienced other technical failures.

Juan Daniel Medina of the Dominican Republic said he was determined to stick with CBP One, even after eight months of fruitless attempts to get an appointment.

“It’s the correct way because that way you do everything legally. They won’t have to jump the river and risk facing criminal charges,” the 30-year-old Medina said.

Two hours before the sun set Tuesday in San Diego, four busloads of migrants were dropped off by Border Patrol agents at a transit center, many of them to seek asylum in one of 68 immigration courts across the country. Asylum-seekers can generally work while their claims slowly wind throughoverwhelmed immigration courts.

Jesus Gomez of Medellin, Colombia, said Border Patrol agents told him he was one of the last people to be released to seek asylum and that he should tell friends and family back home that they will be deported if they attempt to enter illegally. He said he didn't know if it was true.

“It's a very difficult thing to navigate,” Gomez, 49, said as he waited for his wife to be released by the Border Patrol before they fly to Boston, where their daughter lives.

Migrants rattled, unsure as deportations begin under new asylum rule (2024)


Can you be deported if you apply for asylum? ›

If the individual can prove they would have a credible claim once they enter the country, a person is entitled to apply for asylum. People can be deported while seeking asylum if they do things that disqualify themselves. A person can be disqualified for committing a crime, such as an aggravated felony.

What is the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker? ›

An asylum seeker is a person who has left their country and is seeking protection from persecution and serious human rights violations in another country, but who hasn't yet been legally recognized as a refugee and is waiting to receive a decision on their asylum claim.

Can an American seek asylum in another country? ›

Who can apply for asylum? Anyone can apply for asylum. Normally, however, it is a person who considers themselves at risk of serious harm in their country of origin, or who is compelled to leave their country in search of safety in another country.

Where are asylum seekers coming from? ›

Families escaping violence and persecution in their home countries, including from unprecedented and growing humanitarian crises in Latin America, the Caribbean, Afghanistan and parts of Africa often undertake a dangerous journey to seek safety in the United States.

What disqualifies you from asylum? ›

The asylum officer will also consider whether any bars to asylum apply. You will be barred from being granted asylum if you: Ordered, incited, assisted, or participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

How long can asylum seekers stay in the US? ›

If the asylum seeker wins asylum, he or she may apply for lawful permanent residency approximately one year later, and may ultimately apply for citizenship through the naturalization process five years after that.

Are refugees entitled to asylum? ›

Under both U.S. and international law, people who face danger in their homelands have the right to go to other nations to seek safety and to have their requests for asylum considered. To apply for asylum In the United States, a person must be physically present either in the country or at a port of entry.

What's the difference between migrants and immigrants? ›

While dictionary definitions sometimes distinguish 'immigrants' – people who are, or intend to be, settled in their new country – from 'migrants' who are temporarily resident, 'immigrant' and 'migrant' (as well as 'foreigner') are often used interchangeably in public debate and even among research specialists.

Are asylum seekers and migrants the same? ›

An economic migrant is different from a refugee or asylum seeker – this is someone who leaves his or her country of origin purely for financial or economic reasons. Economic migrants choose to move in order to find a better life and they do not flee because of persecution.

Which country is best for asylum? ›

  • 7 Industrialized Countries to Safely Seek Asylum. When you need asylum, you need to get somewhere safe as quickly as possible. ...
  • Netherlands. Not only is this country widely regarded as one of the best in the world to call home, it is also very welcoming to asylum-seekers. ...
  • Ireland. ...
  • Norway. ...
  • Sweden. ...
  • Austria. ...
  • Canada. ...
  • United States.

How does Mexico treat asylum seekers? ›

The Mexican government has thus far failed to ensure that they are provided with shelter, guaranteed work authorization, medical care, or education for their children. With shelters unable to accommodate their swelling numbers, many are forced to sleep on the streets, often with young children in tow.

Which country has the most immigrants? ›

Worldwide, the United States is home to more international migrants than any other country, and more than the next four countries—Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United Kingdom—combined, according to the most recent UN Population Division data, from mid-2020.

Why do asylum seekers want to come to us? ›

Every year people come to the United States seeking protection because they have suffered persecution or fear that they will suffer persecution due to: Race. Religion. Nationality.

Who is the most famous refugee in the world? ›

Famous refugees
  • Albert Einstein. “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” ...
  • Freddie Mercury. “I love the fact that I can make people happy, in any form. ...
  • M.I.A. ...
  • Marc Chagall. ...
  • George Soros. ...
  • Madeleine Albright. ...
  • Elie Wiesel. ...
  • Gloria Estefan.
Jan 9, 2017

What nationality are most asylum seekers? ›

Between 2004 to 2021, around three-quarters of applicants refused asylum at initial decision lodged an appeal and almost one third of those appeals were allowed. In 2023, the most common origin region of asylum seekers was Asia and the most common single nationality was Afghan.

Can I get a green card if I applied for asylum? ›

If you are an asylee and you are physically present in the United States, you may apply for a Green Card by filing Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.

What happens when you seek asylum in the United States? ›

If you are eligible for asylum you may be permitted to remain in the United States. To apply for asylum affirmatively or defensively, file a Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, within 1 year of your arrival to the United States.

Why would someone be denied asylum? ›

However, their asylum petition may get denied due to an improper or incomplete application, a missed appointment, inconsistencies in their or their witnesses' stories, or misguidance from their legal representative.

Can you be deported while waiting for green card? ›

It is possible in certain circ*mstances for an individual to face Deportation or removal while in the process of applying for a Green Card. This danger remains because applying for a green card does not provide an individual with immigration status.


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