What Best Explains The Muckrakers Legislative Successes During The Progressive Era?Their Ability To Inspire (2024)

History High School


Answer 1

What best explains the muckraker's legislative successes during the progressive era is Their ability to inspire public pressure. This is further explained below.

What best explains the muckraker's legislative successes during the progressive era?

Generally, The muckrakers documented the political and economic corruption and social miseries created by the influence of big business in a rapidly industrializing the United States via their extensive and accurate journalistic reporting.

In conclusion, It is the capacity of the muckrakers to generate public pressure that is the most important factor in explaining their legislative victories throughout the progressive period.

Read more about muckraker's legislative



Answer 2


A. their ability to inspire public pressure

you're welcome :)

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In the late 1800s, which country faced the greatest challenge remaining unified with a large variety of ethnic groups seeking independence within its borders?



The country that faced a unity crisis due to having a large variety of ethnic groups was D.)Austria-Hungary​.

Which groups were in Austria-Hungary​?

Austria-Hungary was an empire that comprised of several ethnic groups including Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, Hungarians, and Austrians.

These groups wanted independence for themselves and this led to a lot of strife in the empire.

Find out more on Austria-Hungary at https://brainly.com/question/24213561


Why did the 1939 cash-and-carry amendment to the Neutrality Acts favor Britain over Germany?
A-Britain had a larger fleet of ships to carry arms than Germany.
B-Britain had more cash than Germany.
C-Britain had US bases on its territories and Germany didn’t.
D-Britain had a more powerful army than Germany.



And -A


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The Spanish Inquisition forced most Catholics out of Spain ----- The Spanish conquistadores traveled to the New World in search of riches and land ---- The conquistadores converted the conquered colonies to Christianity. ----- The Reconquista was completed.

Who are the Spanish conquistadores?

Conquistadors or conquistadores were the explorer-soldiers of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires of the 15th and 16th centuries. During the Age of Discovery, conquistadors sailed beyond Europe to the Americas, Oceania, Africa.

Therefore, the correct answers are as given above. By extension, the order is 1 ---- 4 ----- 2 ---- 3.

learn more about Spanish conquistadores: https://brainly.com/question/544943


The 1970s were marked by a great deal of turmoil in the middle east. which two statements correctly describe the effects that events in the middle east had on the carter administration and on the united states?


Two statements that describe the effects of events in the Middle East on Carter's administration are:

The Iranian hostage crisis proved to be a major problem for President Carter in the 1980 presidential election.A drop in oil production following the Iranian Revolution caused a sharp increase in gasoline prices in the United States.

What happened to Carter's administration in the 1980s?

Under President Carter, the Iranian Hostage Crisis happened and this was very damaging to his reelection chances.

Oil production in Iran also suffered after the Iranian Revolution and this led to gas prices skyrocketing in the United States.

Options for this question are:

The Iranian hostage crisis proved to be a major problem for President Carter in the 1980 presidential election.An embargo on oil exports following the Iranian Revolution caused a sharp worldwide decrease in gasoline prices.A drop in oil production following the Iranian Revolution caused a sharp increase in gasoline prices in the United States.An escalation of tensions between Egypt and Israel was a defining event during the Carter administration.

Find out more on Carter's administration at https://brainly.com/question/26554881


Answer:the Iranian hostage crisis and a drop in oil production



What was the significant difference between Elizabeth I and Charles I?

- Even though Elizabeth was next in line after Charles, she did not have English support because she was a woman.
- Elizabeth was a Catholic who was tolerant to Protestants, while Charles was an intolerant Protestant.
- Elizabeth did not directly challenge the authority of parliament, while Charles tried to rule defying parliament.
- Elizabeth had to establish a new royal line, while Charles was part of a well-established family.


Option 3. The difference betwen Charles and Elizabeth was that Elizabeth did not directly challenge the authority of parliament, while Charles tried to rule defying parliament.

How did Charles defy Parliament?

Charles the first was known to have defied parliament through the fact that he had to dissolve it.

He was known to have refused all kinds of fines on the English. He refused to call back the parliament.

Read more on Elizabeth I here:



Answer: C

Explanation: Elizabeth did not directly challenge the authority of parliament, while Charles tried to rule defying parliament.

1.1.2 Study: Introduction to Modern World History

On the world map below, identify the major regions discussed in this activity. Then provide a title that describes the significance of these regions.


Title: The continents of earth
They are Asia, Africa… Europe

Which activity is an example of the involvement of Congress in implementing
the American with Disabilities Act?
A. Writing regulations stipulating that deaf job applicants have a right
to a sign language interpreter during a job interview
O B. Passing a new law to clarify that the act prohibits discrimination
against Americans with a broad range of disabilities
O C. Deciding which accommodations state transportation agencies
are required to provide for users with limited mobility
D. Narrowing the definition of "disability," leading to fewer people
being eligible for protections under the act


An example of the involvement of Congress in enforcing the American with Disabilities Act D. Narrowing the definition of "disability," leading to fewer people being qualified for protections under the act

Supreme court is conveying and trying to interpret what the law is trying to say and show. Occasionally the supreme court can have a 'hearing' and then he can solve or talk roughly what that means to Americans with some disability. Then, he can talk about what and how they can be protected and is it suitable

What does the American with disabilities Act cover?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits intolerance against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public housings, contacts and access to state and local government' schedules and services.

To learn more about Americans with Disabilities Act, refer



Narrowing the description of "disability," leads to fewer individuals being eligible for protections under the act (Option D) stands an example of the involvement of Congress in implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act.

What is Disabilities Act?

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ADA exists a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination established on disability.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) outlaws discrimination against people with disabilities in several dimensions, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, contacts, and permits to state and local government programs and services.

The ADA protects eligible individuals with disabilities. An individual with a disability exists as an individual who maintains a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits significant life activities; has a record of such an impairment; or exists considered as having such an impairment.

The Supreme court exists to represent and try to interpret what the law exists trying to say and demonstrate. Sometimes the supreme court can maintain a 'hearing' and then he can interpret or talk about what that represents to Americans with some disability. Then, he can lecture about what and how they can be rescued and whether is it appropriate.

Hence, Option D Narrowing the description of "disability," leads to fewer individuals being eligible for protections under the act.

To learn more about Disabilities Act refer to:



Issued during world war ii, offered nations in regions such as africa and latin america hope to gain independence from colonial powers. that agreement stated that nations around the world had a right to .


The United Nations Trusteeship Council was the organization that made it clear that countries under colonial occupation or colonial influence had a right to independence. The trusteeship of areas put under the trusteeship of European countries was the responsibility of the United Nations Trusteeship Council, a division of the UN.

What is Trusteeship Council?One of the key UN bodies, the Trusteeship Council, was created to oversee the governance of trust territories as they evolved from colonies to independent states. When Palau, the last of the original 11 trust territories, attained independence in 1994, the Council ceased operations.

After World War II ended, the governments of Africa and other regions of the world that had been dominated by colonial power achieved their independence in the 1960s and 1970s.

Know more about Trusteeship Council with the help of the given link:



Which factor that helped hoover get elected president also helped him during the great depression?


The reason why Hoover was able to get elected and survive for some time during the Great Depression was his support for Unions.

Why did Hoover get elected?

Hoover was a charismatic man but it was his support for Union rights that got him elected as president.

This support allowed him to convince Unions to give him some time to fix things during the Great Depression and so he survived for longer than he should have.

Find out more on Herbet Hoover at https://brainly.com/question/12255447


Which of the following were effects of the arms race? Select four options.

fear of nuclear attack
cooperation in space exploration
building of large numbers of fallout shelters
increased study of science and math
heightened world tensions
greater trade between the East and West


Effects of the arms race were

1.Fear of nuclear attack

2.building of large numbers of fallout shelters

3.increased study of science and math

4.heightened world tensions

More about the arms race:

The nuclear arms race took place when the US and the Soviet Union fought to match or surpass one another's arsenals.

The Cold War saw a race to see who could amass the most nuclear weapons between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies. While other countries, notably the American and Soviet nuclear arsenals, also developed nuclear weapons during this time, none manufactured warheads on nearly the same scale as the two superpowers.

Near the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union spent about 27% of its whole gross domestic product (GNP) on the armed forces. Their economy was wrecked, which also played a role in the Cold War's end.

Know more about the arms race here:




a c d e



How did the geography of Greece impact early civilizations?


Greece's steep mountains and surrounding seas forced Greeks to settle in isolated communities. Travel by land was hard, and sea voyages were hazardous. Most ancient Greeks farmed, but good land and water were scarce. They grew grapes and olives, and raised sheep, goats, pigs, and chickens.

Which three events contributed to the Six-Day War?




disputes between Israel and Egypt over the rights of Israeli shipping to pass through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. A series of border disputes were the major spark for the Six-Day War

Israel staged a sudden preemptive air assault that destroyed more than 90 percent of Egypt’s air force on the tarmac. A similar air assault incapacitated the Syrian air force.

An eastern front was also opened on June 5 when Jordanian forces began shelling West Jerusalem—disregarding Israel’s warning to King Hussein to keep Jordan out of the fight—only to face a crushing Israeli counterattack

The disputes between Israel and Egypt over the rights of Israeli shipping to pass through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. A series of border disputes were the major reason for the Six-Day War.

What was the Six-Day War?

The Six-Day War, also known as the June War or the Third Arab-Israeli War, was a brief war that occurred from June 5 to 10, 1967, and was the third of the Arab-Israeli wars. The Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Old City of Jerusalem, and Golan Heights were all captured by Israel. Following that, the status of these territories became a major point of contention in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The events that contributed to the Six-Day War:-

Six Day War arose from disagreements between Israel and Egypt over the rights of Israeli shipping to transit the Suez Canal and the Red Sea.Israel launched a surprise air assault, destroying more than 90% of Egypt's air force on the ground. A similar air assault rendered the Syrian air force inoperable. An eastern front was also opened on June 5 when Jordanian forces began shelling West Jerusalem disregarding Israel’s warning to King Hussein to keep Jordan out of the fight—only to face a crushing Israeli counterattack.

Therefore, the events that contributed to the Six-Day War are described above.

To learn more about the Six-Day War, click here:



International trade and globalization after 1945 have helped to support peace among the great powers. True or false?.


This statement is true

What is the importance of international trade?Trade is central to ending global poverty.Countries that are open to international trade tend to grow faster innovate, improve productivity and provide higher income and more opportunity to their people.Open trade also benefits lower income households by offering consumers more affordable goods and services.

International trade and globalization after 1945 have helped to support peace among the great powers. This statement is true.

The possessions of nuclear weapons and nuclear deterrence have helped support peace among the great powers after World War ll.

The collapse of the soviet union helped reduce the risk of civil war around the world.

International trade: It is a central driving force behind globalization, a process of integration among the countries and people.According to economic theory, as technological development drives down transaction cost (communication, transport), cross border trade and investment will increase.

How does trade connect tom globalization?

The integration of national economies into a global economic system has been one of the most important development of the last century. This process of integration often called globalization , has materialized in a remarkable growth in trade between countries.

Learn more about international trade and globalization here:



Describe how the popular music of the 1950's (ie. country music, jazz and rock and roll) affected to film scores of the time. use specific examples.


American society through influencing own family lives, teenage behavior, and the civil rights movement.

Within the 1950's a particular fashion of music called Rock 'n,' Roll affected American society through influencing own family lives, teenage conduct, and the civil rights movement. This decade helped to steer the entirety that we listen to on the radio these days. Rock 'n' Roll, motivated the tradition and meditated its adjustments.

Elvis Presley brought rock-and-roll Music to the loads all through the Fifties with hits inclusive of "Love Me smooth" and "Heartbreak lodge." Rock and roll sent shockwaves across the USA. A generation of young teenagers collectively rebelled against the tune their parents loved.

The music rating heightens the film's emotion, developing an aural mood for each scene, along with sound consequences and speech. The movie's composer writes the unique rating, often with the help of an orchestrator.

In the 1950s and 60s, the mass migration of African Americans out of the South persevered. Black sharecroppers got here North for commercial jobs, and they added their music with them. This migration had an outstanding impact on blues, jazz, R&B, and rock-n-roll.

Learn more about music here: https://brainly.com/question/26373912


What was the Glorious Revolution in England?

When Oliver Cromwell's protectorate was overthrown and the monarchy restored
The final split of the English Church from Roman Catholic authority
The end of the monarchy in England and the establishment of a constitutional republic
The bloodless removal of James II and the establishment of a limited monarchy


It was the bloodless removal of James II and the establishment of a limited monarchy.

What was the Glorious Revolution?

It was the social events in 1688 that led to Catholic King James II being replaced on the throne by his Mary II and her husband William III, Prince of Orange.

Hence, it was the bloodless removal of James II and the establishment of a limited monarchy.

Therefore, the Option D is correct.

Read more about Glorious Revolution



Answer: It was the bloodless removal of James II and the establishment of a limited monarchy.

shawtee above me was right i got a 100 on this

Who was the German author who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1946 for his depiction of the spiritual loneliness of modern humans in a mechanized, urban society


Answer: Hermann Hesse

The United States was involved in several major wars during the 20th century. Complete the table by explaining why the United States entered each of these wars.



World War II: US attacked by Japanese in 1941. Declares war on Japan. Germany declares war on US. US goes to war with Japan

Korean War: Communist backed North Korean Army invades South Vietnam. US invades

Vietnam War: Communists again! US backs South Vietnam in war to contain communism

Persian Gulf War: Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait. World not happy. Oil at stake. US leads UN coalition in.

Afghanistan War: 9/11 leads to a furious response against the Taliban. US stays and continues to fight after Taliban ousted for no real reason.

plus give brainliest

Which action is an example of anti-Semitism



Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews.



Answer: Claiming Jewish business owners have damaged the economy

Explanation: I got it correct

Select ALL the correct answers.
What are three responsibilities of political parties?
Interview moderators for political debates.
Run election campaigns for selected candidates.
Influence voters to understand a candidate's views.
Finance election campaigns for selected candidates.
Fund PACS and Super PACS to finance election campaigns.


The three responsibilities of political parties are,

Run election campaigns for selected candidates.Influence voters to understand a candidate's views.Fund PACS and Super PACS to finance election campaigns.

What are the responsibilities of political parties?

A political party is described as a political group that exists officially identified as being part of the electoral process and that can support (put forth) prospects for elections (free or not) regularly (Sartori 1976).

Political parties exist teams of politicians, activists, and voters whose objective is to succeed in control of the government. To do so, parties perform important tasks of recruiting and nominating candidates, garnering the resources required to run campaigns, and seeking a policy agenda that can assist them to appeal to voters.

Hence, The three responsibilities of political parties are,

Run election campaigns for selected candidates.Influence voters to understand a candidate's views.Fund PACS and Super PACS to finance election campaigns.

To learn more about political parties refer to:



Complete the following paragraph about the movements and events that contributed to social change during the 1920s:


The movements & events that contributed to social change during the 1920s are:

The Great MigrationProhibitionWomen’s Suffrage

What was the Social changes of the 1920s?

The 1920s helped to bring about a "revolution in morals and manners because sexu-al mores, gender roles, hair styles, and dress all changed profoundly during the 1920s.

Hence, the movements & events that contributed to social change during the 1920s are the Great Migration, Prohibition, Women’s Suffrage.

Read more about Social changes



Answer: the Volstead act

(And) the Harlem Renaissance

Explanation: Plato

how did humankind and human nature change from the Western Political Movements through the Industrial Revolution and World War I



They disrupted society, upending old structures, as well as building new ones. Institutions, industry and demography were all to change course and, ultimately, little about life in Britain was left untouched by the Revolution. As it spread—first to Western Europe and the United States—it also left a much wider mark on the world. Technological transformation took a long time to feed through to politics and policy. But its diffusion ended up permeating both, ultimately reshaping political parties before the founding of the Labour Party, representing the culmination of a long debate over the role of capital and rights of workers.

please give me brainliest

The most common reason for people to go on Crusade was a desire: Group of answer choices to win a principality to rule. for adventure. to complete an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem. to make money as a mercenary.


Mzkskskeldkdkdldkldlxlxl or

What new technologies developed and used in Era 6 (1750 - 1914 CE) helped energize the global networks that had already begun to form?


Answer: Other technologies allowed them to communicate rapidly as well, via phone and telegraph. These technologies together, in this era, helped to create the modern, global network that characterizes our era.


New technologies developed and used in Era 6 (1750 - 1914 CE) helped energize the global networks that had already begun to form in a way that they could communicate quickly through phone and telegraph as well as other technology.

Together, these technologies in this century contributed to the development of the contemporary, worldwide network that characterizes our day. The light it sheds on the distinction between science and technology is one of the findings that come from this analysis of the history of technology. The history of technology predates the history of science and is separate from it.

Science is the systematic effort to comprehend and interpret the world, while technology is the scientific study of methods for creating and producing things. Science is devoted to the more intellectual endeavor of understanding the environment and depends on relatively high reading abilities, whereas technology is focused on the creation and use of things.

Learn more about the history of technology here:



Slavery existed in Africa before the arrival of European traders. Compare the early African slave trade with the slave trades mentioned above. Describe two similarities between the early African slave trade and other slave trades



The slave trade was not so massive before the arrival of the Europeans. Before Europeans, slaves were mostly prisoners who worked for the rich, worked on irrigation, or were artists, soldiers, or merchants. After the arrival of the Europeans, slaves were bought en masse to work as the main labor force in the colonies.

Before the introduction of the Europeans, the slave trade was not as widespread. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, slaves have mostly imprisoned individuals who performed labor-intensive tasks for the wealthy, such as irrigation work, or who served as artists, soldiers, or traders. Slaves were purchased in large numbers after the advent of the Europeans to serve as the primary working force in the colonies.

The Atlantic slave trade, often known as the transatlantic slave trade or the Euro-American slave trade, involved the transfer of numerous enslaved African people, primarily to the Americas, by slave dealers. From the 16th to the 19th century, the Middle Passage and the triangular trade route were frequently employed in the slave trade.

The first people to purchase slaves from West African slave traders and ship them over the Atlantic were the Portuguese in the 16th century.

A major factor in the growth of the contemporary world economy was slavery. The workforce required to colonize and build the New World was provided by slaves. The earliest mass consumer goods were also made by slaves, including sugar, tobacco, coffee, cocoa, and later cotton.

To know more about slave trade refer to: https://brainly.com/question/8667023


Examine this list of events that took place in China during the 20th century Which event or events could possibly have been a cause of the Chinese Cultural Revolution?

A. IV Only.

B. I and II

C. I and IV

D. I Only​


The list of events that took place in China during the 20th-century ar

I. The 1949-The People's Republic of China is established by Mao Zedong serving as its autocratic leader.

IV. 1978-Deng Xiaoping becomes the leader of China following Mao Zedong's death and replaces many of Mao's policies. Option C is correct

This is further explained below.

What is the People's Republic of China?

Generally, With approximately 1.3 billion inhabitants, the People's Republic of China, more usually referred to simply as China, is one of the nations with the highest population density in the world. China, which can be found in East Asia along the coast of the Pacific Ocean, is one of the biggest nations in the world in terms of its total land area.

In conclusion, The list of things that went on in China during the 20th century starts here with the item I. In 1949, Mao Zedong became the dictatorial leader of the People's Republic of China, which he had formed earlier that year.

IV. Following Mao Zedong's passing in 1978, Deng Xiaoping ascends to the position of leader of China and promptly reverses many of Mao's initiatives. The correct answer is Option C.

Read more about the People's Republic of China



Answer: B, 1 and 2. I chose 1 and 4 but it was incorrect.


In the dark game, how does the author develop the central idea that elizabeth van lew was a spymaster during the civil war? by including details about the work that van lew did by recounting an anecdote that van lew tells in her own words by citing an example of van lew’s coded messages by illustrating the technology that van lew had available to her


The author builds up to the main premise that Elizabeth van Lew was a spymaster during the American Civil War by presenting specifics about the job that Van Lew accomplished during that time period. Elizabeth wanted to contribute to the reunification of the country.

This is further explained below.

What is the author?

Generally, By elaborating on the tasks that Elizabeth van Lew carried out during the American Civil War, the author builds support for the primary thesis that she served as a spymaster during that time period. Elizabeth yearned to be a part of the effort to patch together the country.

In conclusion, a literary work's creator (such as a book) a renowned novelist. a person who produces or originates something: The perpetrator of this crime is a source software creator or a film author.

Read more about the author




A ;by including details about the work that Van Lew did


How was folk dance instrumental in Polish nationalism?


folk dance is an instrument in Polish nationalism because some of the dances are practiced every where and is that way because it’s a way to connect the people and to say they are polish

How did George W. Bush win the 2000 election, despite losing the popular vote?


George Bush was able to win the 2000 election because b. Bush received more electoral votes than Al Gore.

why did Bush win in 2000?

George Bush was able to win more of the electoral college's vote than Al Gore which is the most important thing when it comes to winning the presidency.

this was not the first time that such had happened and neither was it the last time because in 2016, Donald Trump won the electoral college votes but lost the popular vote.

Options for this question are:

Bush demanded another election. Bush received more electoral votes than Al Gore. Bush received more popular votes in a recount. Bush ran a second campaign

find out more on the 2000 election at https://brainly.com/question/4045023.


What would be the most helpful question to ask to learn the cause of the black death?


Gang violence is the most cause of Black Death

Which phrases correctly describe Kamala Harris? Check all that apply.

military veteran who was wounded in Iraq
first Latina to be elected to the US Senate
creator of a program to help first-time drug offenders
first person of color to serve as vice president
magna cm laude graduate from Spelman College
daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India



first person of color to serve as vice president

The phrases correctly describe Kamala Harris as the first person of color to serve as vice president. Thus the correct option is D.

Who was Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris was a California state senator, Before becoming Vice President of the United States. She had a lengthy legal and public service career prior to joining the Senate in which she made significant contributions.

Before becoming the District Attorney of San Francisco, Harris began his career as an Alameda County Deputy District Attorney. She was elected as California's Attorney General in 2010, a position she held until she was elected to the Senate in 2016.

Following their triumph, Kamala Harris was sworn in as Vice President on January 20, 2021, becoming the first woman, first Black woman, and first person of South Asian origin to hold the office in US history.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Kamala Harris, Here:



What Best Explains The Muckrakers Legislative Successes During The Progressive Era?Their Ability To Inspire (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.